Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Department of Asian and African Studies | Regional Departments | Central Asian Seminar | 21.06. Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series: Mount Kailāśa in the Bön religion (Prof. em. Dr. Per Kværne)

21.06. Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series: Mount Kailāśa in the Bön religion (Prof. em. Dr. Per Kværne)

Lecture "Mount Kailāśa in the Bön religion" von Prof. em. Dr. Per Kværne (University of Oslo) as part of the Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series. All are welcome!

  • When Jun 21, 2021 from 06:15 to 07:30
  • Where via Zoom
  • iCal

Tibet & Himalaya Colloquium Lecture Series

Lecture No.7 - Monday 21.06.21 – 18:15 CEST via Zoom


Prof. em. Dr. Per Kværne, University of Oslo:

Mount Kailāśa in the Bön religion


Mount Kailāśa has an important place in Hindu mythology and in both Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, and is a major pilgrimage goal for Tibetan Buddhists. In the Bön religion, too, it plays a crucial role, being associated with the Enlightened Teacher of Bön, Tönpa Shenrap, and the historical realm of Zhangzhung. It is also an important pilgrimage site for adherents of the Bön religion. In addition, it has certain unique features in Bön sources, which will be discussed in the presentation.


Per Kværne obtained MA in Sanskrit at the University of Oslo in 1970 and the Dr. philos. degree in 1974 (A Study of the Caryāgīti) at the same university. From 1975 to 2007, he was professor of History of Religions and Tibetan Studies at the University of Oslo; he is now professor emeritus. His research has been focused on Tibetan studies, especially the post-11th century Bön religion.



Registration: Tara Herbener

Contact / Lecture Series: Dr. Nike-Ann Schröder