Summary winter semester 2010/11
- 08.02. Sabine Reiter
"Interaction between ideophones and gesture in Awetí (Tupian)" (pdf) - 25.01. Shumirai Nyota
"What's new in Shona street lingo? Semantic change in lingo adoptives from mainstream Shona" (pdf) - 11. 01. Tom Güldemann
"Quotative *ti in Bantu: How lexical properties can arise out of a grammatical construction" (pdf) - 7. 12. Serge Sagna
"Overt verb classification in (Gújjolaay) Eegimaa (Banjal)" (ppt) - 23.11. Anne Schwarz
"Specificity and Number: what really counts in the noun class systems of some Gur languages" (pdf) - 9.11. Laura Downing
"Bantu Languages and the Typology of Focus Prosody" (pdf) - 26.10 Christfried Naumann
"Zwei Instrumente der Sprachdokumentation für die Khoisanforschung"