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Beiträge Wintersemester 2023/24
- 24.10. Tom Güldemann (HU Berlin) and Lee Pratchett (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): “Serial and other multi-verb constructions in the Kalahari Basin Area (KBA)” (Presentation)
- 31.10. Thomas Stolz and Nataliya Levkovych (Universität Bremen): “Arabische Lehnkonjunktionen in afrikanischen Sprachen” (Presentation)
- 07.11. Jeff Good (HU Berlin, University of Buffalo): “Multilingualism in a rural African region from a spatial perspective: the Lower Fungom zone of Cameroon” (Presentation)
- 14.11. Bastian Persohn (Universität Jena): “How to say ‘not yet’ without saying ‘no(t)’ (in Africa and beyond)” (Presentation)
- 21.11. Luka Anlauff (HU Berlin, Master project): “Comparing pronominal systems in Ndogoic (Ubangi)” (Presentation)
- 19.12. Markus Riedel (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Introducing the multidialectal language complex Taa into primary education in Botswana”
- 09.01. Nicholas Rolle (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Berlin): “ A report on Limba, a Niger-Congo isolate of Sierra Leone” (Presentation)
- 16.01. Florian Lionnet (Princeton University): “ The verbal system of Kulaale (Bua, Chad)” (Presentation)
- 23.01. Gudrun Miehe: “Around the relative clause in Cerma (Central Gur)” (Presentation, appendix)
- 06.02. Benedikt Winkhart (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Demonstratives in Limassa (Mundu-Baka, Ubangi)” (Presentation)
- 13.02. Jakob Lesage (HU Berlin): “ Plural words in Africa revisited” (Presentation)