There is no formal PhD course of African Studies, but doctoral candidates are free to participate in all courses offered at the Seminar. Credits are awarded only for attendance of such courses only if stipulated in the requirements of the students‘ respective mother discipline. Such requirements normally apply to students who have migrated from another discipline (Seiteneinsteiger).
As a general rule, candidates are required to present their work at the Doctoral Candidates‘ Colloquium, a fixture run by the Seminar, within one semester. The colloquium serves as a platform to discuss work in progress.
For general information contact the office of promovation affairs (Frau Estermann). For an individual and technical consultation, you can contact the FachstudienberaterInnen of African Seminar.
For further information on obtaining a Ph.D. visit the Website of the Institute or the Website for Doctoral Studies at the Faculty
Completed Ph.D.
African History
Sofie Boonen
City, architecture and colonial space in Matadi and Lubumbashi, Congo. A historical analysis from a translocal perspective
Kerstin Stubenvoll
Arbeit, Treuhand und Dekolonisation. Ungleiche Teilhabe und Selbstbehauptung in der Kameruner Gewerkschaftsbewegung, 1944 bis 1959
African Literatures and Cultures
Adzovi Adjogah
Gender und Mythologie. Subversive Erzählstrategien bei frankophonen afrikanischen und deutschsprachigen Autorinnen
Yusuf Baba Gar
The Metamorphosis of Performance. Oral Heritage and Medial Transformation in Hausa Home Videos
African Literatures and Cultures
Anne M. Carovani
Uneigentliche Differenz. Literarische Diskurse zu den gesellschaftlichen Zugehörigkeiten von hørøn und jeli in Westafrika
Kaiju Harinen
Défaire la femme africaine: Intersectionnalité performative dans les oeuvres semi- autobiographiques de Calixthe Beyala et de Ken Bugul (Foreign PhD Commission; University of Turku)
African Linguistics and Languages
Lee J. Pratchett
Dialect diversity in south-eastern Ju varieties: a documentation of ǂX’ao-ǁ’aen
African Linguistics and Languages
Viktoria Apel
Information structure in Fula-Serer: A detailed study of Pular in comparison with its relatives
Peggy Jakob
Information structure in Sara-Bagirmi: A comparative approach to the synchronic state and diachronic development in the expression of information structure, with special attention to predicate-centered focus types
African History
De Roo, Bastiaan (Universität Gent)
Colonial taxation in Africa. A fiscal history of the Congo through the lens of customs (1886-1914)
African Literatures and Cultures
Anja Schwarz
Janheinz Jahn (1918-1973) als Vermittler afrikanischer Literaturen und Kulturen (in Deutschland)
Priscillia Manjoh
Representations and Renegotiations of the Nation in Anglophone Cameroonian Writing
(Nol Alembong, Université de Yaoundé I)
African Linguistics and Languages
Nadine Grimm
Cognitive concepts in Bakola
Lee Pratchett
Dialect diversity in south-eastern Ju varieties: a documentation of ǂX’ao-ǁ’aen
Paul Starzmann
Interne und externe Sprachbeziehungen der zentralkenianischen Bantusprachen
African History
Regina Finsterhölzl
Werbung und Marktforschung in Ghana, 1930-1970
Daniel Tödt
Diskurs und Lebenswelt der afrikanischen Elite
African Literatures and Cultures
Swantje Buddensiek
Formen von Heimsuchung in ausgewählter südafrikanischer Literatur
Hilmar Heister
The Sympathetic Imagination in the Novels of J.M. Coetzee. Empathy and Mirror Neurons in Literature
African Literatures and Cultures
Lotte Arndt
Chantiers du devenir en des espaces contraints.Négociations postcoloniales dans les revues culturelles parisiennes portant sur l’Afrique (1947 à 2012) als Co-tutelle mit Université Paris 7 Diderot
Emilie Notard (Gender Studies)
Traversée des sens et trajectoire féministe dans l’oeuvre de Nicole Brossard de 1977 à 2007