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Staff in the Section "African History"
Staff in the Section "African History"
Field Representative
Castryck, Geert, Prof Dr
Eckert, Andreas, Prof Dr phil
Lecocq, Baz (Jean Sebastian), Prof Dr
Karge, Josephine, M.A.
Kiesewetter, Astrid, M.A.
Scientific Staff
Ahmed, Chanfi, Dr
Doumbia, Lamine, Dr.
Scientific Staff of Projects
Althammer, Beate, Dr
Amenorhu, Felix Yao
Hege, Patrick
Lagercrantz, Hedvig
Melchisedek, Chétima, Prof. Dr.
Okumu, Esther
Doctoral candidate
Fogang Toyem, Guy Armel
Hoffman, Dirk
Oswald, Alina
Rutazibwa, Privat
Schveitzer, Ana Carolina
Yakasai, Muhammad Abubakar
Student Assistants
Grimm, Anna-Lena
Field Representatives (emeritus) and former Scientific Staff
Amara, Feben
Arowosegbe, Jeremiah O., Prof
Bakšić, Lucija
Bolliger, Lennart, Dr
Brahm, Felix, PD Dr
Coghe, Samuël, Dr
Griffiths, Anne, Prof. Dr.
Hoffmann, Stefan, MA
Horst, Mitja Laurin
Huber, Marie, Dr
Jacobs, Christian
Koranteng, Grace
Lambertz, Peter, Dr.
Lämmert, Stephanie, Dr
Martino, Enrique
Nguyen, Yvonne
Oestermann, Tristan, Dr
Pesek, Michael, Dr phil
Robinson, Morgan, Dr.
Seifert, Jan-Henrik
Stoecker, Holger, Dr
Tödt, Daniel, Dr
Vojinovic, Milos
Weiss, Hadas, Dr