Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies


June 2024




The German-Thai Society organized a weekend of activities in Berlin from 21 to 23 June. Events included a presentation of original Thai manuscripts at the State Library, an evening reception at the Royal Embassy of Thailand and a visit to the Humboldt Forum and Wat Buddhavihara. A big thank you to Martin Schalbruch, the lecturer for Thai language, for organizing these activities, which gave the students the opportunity to discover the diversity of Thai culture in Berlin!




On June 6, Esie Hanstein was accepted as a member of the Berlin Committee for UNESCO Work, which has set itself the task of making the goals and work of UNESCO visible locally in Berlin. Membership is by nomination only.

Pada tanggal 6 Juni, Esie Hanstein diterima menjadi anggota Komite UNESCO Berlin, yang bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan tujuan dan pekerjaan UNESCO di kota Berlin. Untuk menjadi anggota, kita hanya bisa diusulkan dan tidak bisa mencalonkan diri sendiri.




Esie Hanstein, the Indonesian lecturer at the IAAW, was invited to Bellevue Palace on June 5 as part of the Week of the Environment and was even able to meet the Federal President briefly and present her projects "Strahlendes Lächeln e.V." for improving the health of orphans in Indonesia and the 17 Global Goals Song Project. It was even reported in the Indonesian press.

Esie Hanstein, dosen bahasa Indonesia di IAAW, diundang ke Istana Bellevue dua minggu yang lalu pada tanggal 5 Juni dalam rangka Pekan Lingkungan Hidup dan bahkan sempat bertemu dengan Presiden Federasi Jerman dan berbicara tentang proyek "Strahlendes Lächeln e.V." untuk meningkatkan kesehatan anak yatim piatu di Pontianak/Indonesia dan Proyek Lagu 17 Global Goals (Global Goals Song Project). Berita ini bahkan dimuat di media Indonesia.


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On June 1, the annual Thai Day took place at the University of Hamburg with the topic "Sustainable Development in Thailand: Social and Cultural Paths". Several IAAW students as well as the Thai language lecturers Martin Schalbruch and Chanikan Charoensri were present. Two students took part in a Thai reading competition sponsored by the Krohn Foundation. Sarah Thouard won 1st place and David Dietrich came 3rd. Congratulations to both students!


May 2024

From May 22 to 25, 2024, the fourth workshop of the DFG network "Global Qualitative Sociology" took place at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. At the event, PD Dr. Daniel Bultmann presented his ongoing research on the structure of Cambodia's machelite. The research is part of a DFG-funded comparative project dealing with a "Global Sociology of Elite Conflicts". Felipe Garcia and Fabio Braun Carrasco have also been working on this project since the beginning of the year. The two doctoral students are working on power elites in Argentina and transnational networks of neoliberal and libertarian elites.


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On May 22, 2024, Dr. Soe Tjen Marching gave a lecture on the elections in Indonesia.

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By invitation of the Indonesian Nahdlatul Ulama (Reawakening of Islamic Scholars), the world's largest Islamic non-governmental organization, Dr. Amanda tho Seeth gave the closing words at the opening ceremony for the exhibition “Voices of Archipelago” at Bronbeek Museum in Arnhem, Netherlands, on May 4th. The exhibition presents the diversity of lived Javanese Islam, illustrated through historical exhibits and contemporary art. The exhibition was part of the “Festival Islam Nusantara”, which took place throughout May 2024 at various locations in the Netherlands. The festival intended to promote Indonesia and its indigenous Islamic culture in Europe. The Bronbeek Museum´s permanent exhibition is on the Dutch colonial history in Indonesia.


March 2024



On March 17, 2024, Esie Hanstein was also interviewed on Indonesian television (from minute 54: In August, Esie Hanstein is interviewed on television in Indonesia together with the ophthalmologists and dermatologists about the projects in Pontianak, and in September she is invited to give lectures on social engagement and Indonesian language teaching in Germany at the Universitas Atma Jaya in Jakarta, at the Universitas Islam Indonesia in Yogyakarta and at the Universitas Muhammadiyah in Surakarta.


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On March 15th, as part of the roundtable “Religious Diplomacy in Asia” at the annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) in Seattle, USA, Dr. Amanda tho Seeth gave a lecture entitled “Indonesia's Islam Diplomacy”. The roundtable brought together leading international experts in the field of religious diplomacy research. The individual presentations and the subsequent discussion made demonstrated that religious values ​​and actors are playing an increasing role in international relations that are often perceived as secular. 




On March 14, 2024, Esie Hanstein then presented her projects "Strahlendes Lächeln e.V." for improving the health of orphans in Pontianak/Indonesia and the 17 Global Goals Song Project as part of the World Social Work Day in Jakarta.

Pada tanggal 14 Maret 2024, ia kemudian mempresentasikan proyeknya "Strahlendes Lächeln e.V." untuk meningkatkan kesehatan anak yatim piatu di Pontianak/Indonesia dan Proyek Lagu 17 Global Goals sebagai bagian dari World Social Work Days di Jakarta




On March 13, 2024, Esie Hanstein gave a lecture at the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta to over 100 students on the topic of "Strategies and tips for teaching Indonesian at university in Germany".

Pada tanggal 13 Maret 2024, Esie Hanstein memberikan kuliah tentang "Strategi dan kiat-kiat mengajar bahasa Indonesia di universitas Jerman" kepada lebih dari 100 mahasiswa di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah di Jakarta.


Important notice

The M.A. South and Southeast Asian Studies will no longer be offered from the winter semester 2021/22. Instead, the IAAW will offer a Master's in Asia-Africa Studies from the winter semester 2021/22, with the possibility to specialize in one region. You can find more information here: