Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Department of Asian and African Studies | Regional Departments | Southeast Asian Studies | Events and publications | Archive | Archives | SOA - Colloquium (Govindran Jegatesen and Hamoon Khelghat-Doost Center for Global Sustainability Studies, USM)

SOA - Colloquium (Govindran Jegatesen and Hamoon Khelghat-Doost Center for Global Sustainability Studies, USM)

  • When Aug 17, 2012 from 12:00 to 02:00
  • Where Institute for Asian and African Studies, Invalidenstraße 118,10115 Berlin, 1st floor, Room 117
  • iCal

Sustainability in Higher Education in Southeast Asia - A Malaysian case study
Govindran Jegatesen and Hamoon Khelghat-Doost
Center for Global Sustainability Studies, USM

Universities around the world are undergoing a paradigm shift with regard to
their roles as institutions of education. Sustainability has become a key
element in the conceptualization of higher education, not only in the "West",
but also in so-called developing countries. In Malaysia, Universiti Sains
Malaysia (USM) has taken the lead in this development and her role shall be
further investigated in two ways: On a more general level regarding the way in
which a sustainable university can positively, actively and practically
contribute to sustainability related challenges among diverse communities -
particularly those from the bottom billion, by using its expertise and
knowledge through community engagement initiatives. And more specifically,
through which methodology sustainability can be monitored and mainstreamed
across an institution of higer education.

Govindran Jegatesen and Hamoon Khelghat-Doost have been with USM's Center for
Global Sustainability Studies since its inception and will be able to provide
first-hand insights into the chances and obstacles that can occur in the
process of "Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow", USM's
main motto.