Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
There is no formal PhD course of Central Asian Studies, but doctoral candidates are free to participate in all courses offered at the Seminar. Credits are awarded only for attendance of such courses only if stipulated in the requirements of the students‘ respective mother discipline. Such requirements normally apply to students who have migrated from another discipline (Seiteneinsteiger).
As a general rule, candidates are required to present their work at the Doctoral Candidates‘ Colloquium, a fixture run by the Seminar, within one semester. The colloquium serves as a platform to discuss work in progress.
For general information contact the office of promovation affairs (Sarah Affenzeller). For an individual and technical consultation, you can contact the FachstudienberaterInnen of Central Asian Seminar.
For further information on obtaining a Ph.D. visit the Website of the Institute or the Website for Doctoral Studies at the Faculty
A PhD thesis can be presented at the Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies. For further information visit the homepage of the Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies.
Ph.D. Theses
Current Ph.D. Projects:
Nicholas Gregg: Linguistic Plurality in Digital Media: The Case of Tajikistan
Gheis Ebadi: Us and Others: Nation and Identity Across Epics in the Context of Kazan Oghuzname
Tobias Stefan: Fusion Fashion: The manufacturing of cultural heritage among young Koryo Saram in Uzbekistan
Naomi Ntakiyica: Female Religiosity and Solidarity in urban Kyrgyzstan and beyond
Dilshat Amrayev: tba
Mokhigul Bakhodirova: Die religiösen Texte von Xalfas in Khoresm und Otin oyis im Ferghanatal und in Taschkent
Lisa Ernst: Making Minkaohan: An Ethnography of Young Uyghur Women in Urumchi, Xinjiang
Alireza Hodaei: From Tbilisi to Tabriz: Muslim Intellectuals in South Caucasus and Making the Constitutional Revolution in Iran 1906-1911 (PhD fellow at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim cultures and Societies)
Munkhtsatsal Altai: Weitergabe von Wissen in der Musik, West-Mongolei
Ahmad Azizy: Briefkultur in Afghanistan
Florian Coppenrath: Hip-Hop in Kyrgyzstan’s cities and cultural globalisation
Andrew Coogans: Using leisure to develop a sense of belonging among rural to urban migrants in Kazakhstan
Saidolimkhon Gaziev: The politics of gender in a colonial Islamic society: Governing 'womanhood' in late 19th- and early 20th-century Russian Central Asia
Khosiyat Komilova: Left-behind spouses in Tajikistan
Cholpon Turdalieva: Marshrutkas in Bishkek (PhD Program „Spatial Dynamics of Marshrutkas in Central Asia and the Caucasus“ Located at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography)
Reinier Langelaar: Descent Narratives in Post-Imperial Tibet. A Contextual Study of the Rlang Iha gzigs
Qie Maocuo: Socio-Cultural Transitions around Tsho Ngönpo ( Qinghai Hu), China's Largest Lake, North-eastern Tibetan Plateau
Mehrdad Saeedi: Wiederentdeckung der gemeinsamen Sprache oder Iranische Sichtweisen auf das tadschikische Persisch als nationale Varietät außerhalb Irans
Completed Doctorates:
Reinier Langelaar: Bones and Thrones: Genealogy, Community and Kinship in the Post-imperial Tibetan Highlands
Hans-Werner Klohe: Lineage Portraiture in Tibetan Buddhist Art Sets of Statues of Lamdre Lineage Teachers of the Ngor Tradition in the Collection of Namgyal Monastery, Mustang (Nepal), Late Fifteenth to Sixteenth Century
Zarina Adambussinova: Heritage – Memory – Dissonance: The City Museum of Kokshetau in Peripheral Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
Monia Chies: Heritage, Power, and Collective Memory at a Tibetan Mani-Site: Revitalisation at the Gyanak Mani Following the 2010 Yushu Earthquake in Western China
Rebecca Veronika Tamut: The Praxis of Deliberative Conflict Resolution in the Public Sphere among the Bangni-Nyishi in Arunachal Pradesh
Zeynep Aydoğan: Representations of Cultural Geography in the Late Medieval Anatolian Frontier Narratives
Selcen Küçüküstel: Living with Reindeer and Hunting among Spirits: The Dukha of South Siberia
Kerstin Grothmann: The Memba of Mechukha: Territorial, Social, and Cultural Transformation Processes in the Eastern Himalaya
Chorshanbe Goibnazarov: Qasīda-khonī: A Musical Expression of Identities in Badakhshan, Tajikistan Tradition, Continuity, and Change
Muhammad Salih Rasekh: A Study of the Turkmen Dialects of Afghanistan. Phonology – Morphology – Lexicon – Sociolinguistic Aspects
Just Boedeker: The Land of Unrestraint: Negotiating Baloch Groups at the Borders of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan
Kishimjan Osmonova: Experiencing Liminality: Urban Identification, Renting, and Achieving Success among the Newcomers in Astana, Kazakhstan
Christian Ressel: Zur Formation lokaler Gemeinschaften: Kollektive, Ideologien und Histographie in der sozialistischen Mongolei
Mahabat Sadyrbek: Legal Pluralism in Kyrgystan. Ethnography of Local jurisdiction and customary practices of management of trouble-cases
Dorothea Christiane Biersack: "Gesundheitsaufklärung unter den Muslimen des ausgehenden Zarenreichs"
Lucille Lisack: Une musique contemporaine ouzbèke ? Recomposition de l'école nationale et références à l'Occident en Ouzbékistan / Eine usbekische zeitgenössische Musik? Neukomposition der nationalen Schule und westliche Referenzen in Usbekistan (co-tutelle mit EHESS Paris)
Rudolf Trapp: Die Partei und der Buddhismus. Die in Hinblick auf die Lamas und Klöster in der Äußeren Mongolei verfolgte Politik (1920 bis 1939)
Emilia Sulek: Trading Medical Herbs in Golok, Eastern Tibet: Socio-economic Networks and Change among Pastoralists during the Post-Mao Era
Ganchimeg Altangerel: "Der Sinn meines Lebens ist die Zukunft meiner Kinder". Lebenssituationen alleinstehender Mütter in der gegenwärtigen Mongolei
Jarmila Ptackova: Öffnung des Westen" (Xibu da kaifa): eine empirische Fallstudie zur Untersuchung ihrer sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen auf die Lebenswelt der tibetischen Nomaden in Amdo/Qinghai, VR China
Wladimir Sgibnew: Remont: the Social Production of Space in Central Asia
Benjamin Buchholz: Die Geschichte der Loya Jirga. Über die Entwicklung der großen Ratsversammlung als politische Institution und ihre Bedeutung im Modernisierungsprozess Afghanistans
Thomas Loy: Cross-border Biographies. Bukharan Jewish autobiographical narrations and the Soviet experience
Magdalena Maria Przyjemska "In This Body and Life". The Religious and Social Significance of Hermits and Hermitages in Eastern Tibet Today and During Recent History
Jesko Schmoller: Career or Business. Aspirations in the Lives of Young Uzbeks
Mingkyi Tsomo: Socio-Cultural Factors in Developing a Tibetan Public Health System
Melanie Krebs: Zwischen Tradition und globalem Markt. Entwicklungen von Kunsthandwerk in Usbekistan und Kirgistan
2008 and earlier
Zaynobidin Abdirashidov: Ismail Gasprinski (1851-1914) und Turkestan im frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Kommunikation - Beziehungen -Einflüsse und Wirkung.(Gefördert durch ein Stipendium der VolkswagenStiftung)
Jeanine Elif Dagyeli: "Gott liebt das Handwerk" Moral, Identität und religiöse Legitimierung in der mittelasiatischen Handwerks-risala
Olaf Günther: Die Dorboz im Ferghanatal. Erkundungen im Alltag und in der Geschichte einer Gauklerkultur
Diana Lange: Die Verkleinerung der Yakhautboote. Fischerkulturen in Zentral- und Südtibet im sozioökonomischen Wandel des modernen China
Ines Stolpe: Schule versus Nomadismus? Interdependenzen von Bildung und Migration in der modernen Mongolei.
C. Antonia Wilcke: Lebenswelten von Frauen in Uzbekistan.
Andreas Wilde: Divergenz politischer und historischer Grenzen. Regionalismus und mental mapping in Afghanistan.