Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Dr. Chin-hui Lin

Dr. Chin-hui Lin
Visiting Address
Johannisstr. 10, Raum 302


(030) 2093-66127
(030) 2093-66131
Consultation hours

Tue. 2-3 pm
Please register via following link: Appointment consultation

The consultation will be conducted via zoom: Zoom-Link


Chin-hui LIN (born in Taipei, Taiwan) holds a BA degree (1999) in Chinese literature from National Tsinghua University and an MA degree (2003) in teaching Chinese as a foreign language from National Taiwan Normal University. 2014 she received a Ph.D. in Chinese linguistics from Leiden University (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics).

She was a lecturer in Mandarin at the Department of Chinese Studies of Leiden University from 2001 to 2012 and served as the main coordinator of the Chinese language program from 2009. In 2012, she received the annual Excellent Teaching Award from the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University. From 2013 to 2015, she was a lecturer in Mandarin at the Department of East Asian Studies at Göttingen University. She has been teaching Mandarin at the IAAW since December 2015.

­In 2020, with Prof. Dr. Henning Klöter and Ms. Lo Wan-chen, she was nominated and shortlisted for the Humboldt Award for Excellence in Teaching focusing on digital teaching. In 2021, she was nominated and shortlisted again for her contribution to digitally supported teaching concepts (digital gestützte Lehrkonzepte).

Research Interests

  • Chinese language pedagogy (course/curriculum design, textbook compilation, teacher training, technology-supported learning and teaching)

  • Chinese linguistics (interactional linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, sociolinguistics) 



  • (2022) Google辅助语言学习:一门中文高年级线上課程之设计与实践 [Google-assisted language learning: An online Chinese course for advanced learners in Germany]. In: Liu Shijuan (ed.), Online Chinese Teaching and Learning in 2020. National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii.
  • (2022) Emergency Remote Chinese Language Learning at a German University: Student perceptions. In Liu, S. (ed.) Teaching the Chinese Language Remotely: Global Cases and Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, 57-83.
  • (2021) Ubiquitous but Unplanned: The Utterance-Final Particle ê in Taiwan Mandarin, in Language Diversity in the Sinophone World: Historical Trajectories, Language Planning, and Multilingual Practices, edited by Klöter, H. & Saarela, M. S.. Routeledge
  • (2021)  Emergency online Chinese language teaching at the tertiary level: Results of a survey of teachers in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. CHUN – Chinesischunterricht 36, 40–63.
  • (2018) 通过教学设计促进自主学习——一种“翻转”课堂的尝试与思考 [Motivating autonomous learning through course design: a “partially-flipped” classroom]. CHUN – Chinesischunterricht 33, 7–28.
  • (2016) 德國中文教學概況——海外視角下的師資培育 [Chinese language teaching in Germany: Looking at pre-service Chinese language teacher education from outside Taiwan]. 臺灣華語教學研究 [Taiwan journal of Chinese as a second language] Vol. 12 (2016.06), 67–98.
  • (2015) [with Maghiel van Crevel]. Paint Feet on a Snake: An Intermediate Mandarin Reader. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 
  • (2014) Utterance-final particles in Taiwan Mandarin: Contact, context and core functions. Utrecht: LOT.


Research Project

Chinese Grammar Plattform (ChinGram)


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