Dr. Tsypylma Darieva
- Foto
Figure © Yvonne Troll ZOiS
- Name
- Dr. Tsypylma Darieva
- tsypylma.darieva (at) zois-berlin.de
- Homepage
- https://www.zois-berlin.de/ueber-uns/mitarbeiterinnen/dr-tsypylma-darieva/
- External institution
- Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS)
- Function / Working Area
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Phone number
- (030) 2005949-38
- Consultation hours
- by appointment only
- Mailing address
- Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Curriculum Vitae
- Senior researcher and coordinator of the research area "Migration and Diversity" at the Centre for East European and international Studies (ZOiS), Berlin
- Associate Member of the institute for Slavonic and Caucasus Studies at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
2010 - 13: Associate Professor at the University of Tsuskuba in Japan, Department for International Area Studies, Special Central Asia Program
2004 - 10: Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2003 - 04: Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthroplogy in Halle
Research and Teaching Interests
- Anthropology of migration
- transnational diaspora and homeland relations
- sacred sites and religious diversityy
- cosmopolitanism
- city and postsocialist urban cultures
- Central Eurasian Studies (South Caucasus and Central Asia)
Habilitation Thesis
"Homeland Pilgrimage. Roots and Routes of transnational Engagement."
Research Project at ZOiS
Transformation urbaner Räume und religiöse Pluralisierung im Südkaukasus
Selected Publications
2020. Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Strategies and Practices, Berlin: Dom Publishers, co-editor Carola Neugebauer. https://dom-publishers.com/products/urban-activism-in-eastern-europe-and-eurasia
2018. Sacred Places-Emergent Spaces. Religious Pluralism in the post-Soviet Caucasus, co-edited with Florian Mühlfried and Kevin Tuite, New York: Berghahn Books.
2017. Sakralität und Mobilität im Kaukasus und Südosteuropa, hrsg. mit Thede Kahl und Svetoslava Toncheva, Wien: Verlag für Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
2012. Cosmopolitan Sociability. Locating Transnational Religious and Diasporic Networks, with Nina Glick Schiller and Sandra Gruner-Domic, London: Routledge.
2011. Urban Spaces after Socialism. Ethnographies of Public Places in Eurasian Cities, co-edited with Wolfgang Kaschuba and Melanie Krebs, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
2004. Russkij Berlin. Migrants and Media in Berlin and London, Münster: LIT Verlag.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
2019. 'Discovering ‘Homeland’: A New Generation of Armenian Diasporic Organisations'. Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 19, no. 4: pp. 9-41.
2017. 'Journey to the Future. Imaginaries and Motivations for Homeland Trips to Armenia'. Global Networks Journal vol. 17 (3): pp. 423-440.
2016. 'Global Cosmopolitanism/ Global Cosmopolitans'. Willey Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, edited by John Stone et al., Oxford.
2016. 'The Boneless Saint from Baku: Exploring the Shia Muslim Pilgrimage in a Secular City'. Religion, State and Church vol. 2 (34): pp. 203-225 (in Russian).
2016. 'Prayer House or a Cultural Center? Restoring a Mosque in post-socialist Armenia'. Central Asian Survey vol. 35: pp. 292-308.
2015. 'Modernizing the Waterfront: Urban Green, Built Environment and Social Life in Baku'. Europa Regional, Leibnitz Institut für Länderkunde 1-2: pp. 65-79.
2011. 'Defining Cosmopolitan Sociability. Locating Transnational Religious and Diasporic Networks', with Nina Glick-Schiller and Sandra Gruner-Domic. Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 34, no. 3: pp. 399-418.
2011. 'Rethinking Homecoming. Diasporic Cosmopolitanism in Post-socialist Armenia'. Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 34, no. 3: pp. 490-508.
Other articles
2015. 'Kontaktraum Kaukasus. Sprachen, Religionen, Völker und Kulturen', mit Florian Mühlfried. Osteuropa Zeitschrift 7-10: S. 45-70.
Chapters in edited volumes
2018. 'Introduction'. In: Sacred Places-Emerging Spaces: Religious Pluralism in the post-Soviet Caucasus, co-edited with F. Mühlfried and K. Tuite, pp. 1-18. New York: Berghahn Books.
2018. 'Between ‘Great’ and ‘Little’ Traditions? Situating Shia Saints in contemporary Baku'. In: Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces: Religious Pluralism in the post-Soviet Caucasus, co-edited with F. Mühlfried and K. Tuite, pp. 19-45. New York: Berghahn Books.
2017. 'Einleitung'. In: Sakralität und Mobilität im Kaukasus und Südosteuropa, hrsg. mit T. Kahl und S. Toncheva, S. 5-16. Wien: Verlag für Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
2017. 'Der knochenlose Heilige aus Baku: Zur Bedeutung muslimischer Wallfahrten in einer säkularen Stadt'. In: Sakralität und Mobilität im Kaukasus und Südosteuropa, S. 201-222. Wien: Verlag für Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
2013. 'Between Long-Distance Nationalism and ‘Rooted’ Cosmopolitanism? Armenian-American Engagement with their Homeland'. In: East European Diaspora, Migration and Cosmopolitanism, edited by Ulrike Zieme, pp. 25-40. London: Routledge.
2007. 'Migrationsforschung in der Ethnologie'. In: Ethnizität und Migration. Einführung in Wissenschaft und Arbeitsfelder, hrsg. von Brigitte Schmidt-Lauber, S. 69-94. Berlin: Reimer-Verlag.
Other publications
2019. 'Der Gedenktag des armenischen Genozids nach der „samtenen Revolution“'. ZOiS Spotlight 16/2019.
2018. 'Aserbaidschan feiert sein säkulares Erbe'. ZOiS Spotlight 23/2018.
2018. 'Migration und ein neuer Patriotismus in Armenien'. ZOiS Spotlight 2/2018.
Book reviews
2018. Siekierski, Konrad und Troebst, Stefan. Armenians in Post-Socialist Europe. In: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Europas, E-Reviews, Volume 2, pp. 69-72, Köln: Böhlau.