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Summary winter semester 2017/18
- 24.10. Harald Hammarström (University of Uppsala): “The areal-typological division of Africa: a computational approach”
- 7.11. Bernhard Wälchli (Stockholm University): “Towards a reassessment of the foundations of grammatical gender”
- 14.11. Francesca Di Garbo (Stockholm University) and Annemarie Verkerk (MPI-SHH Jena): “On the evolution of Bantu gender marking systems: typology, phylogeny, and social history”
- 21.11. Ph.D. Verteidigung Viktoria Apel (HU Berlin): “Information structure in Fula-Serer: a detailed study of Pular in comparison with its relatives”
- 28.11. Coffi Sambieni (Université d'Abomey-Calavi): „TAM-Markierung im Biali”
- 5.12. Sylvanus Job (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “The morphosyntax of Khoekhoe”
- 19.12. Tom Güldemann (HU Berlin): “Toward a more systematic investigation of substrates: the case of Africa”
- 9.1. Ph.D. Verteidigung Lee Pratchett (HU Berlin): “Dialectal diversity in Southeastern Ju (Kx’a) and a documentation of Groot Laagte ǂKx’aoǁ’ae”
- 16.1. Jan Junglas (HU Berlin): “Between definiteness and case: the prefix nə- in Tigrinya”
- 23.1. Henok Wondimu (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Finiteness, dependency and information structure”
- 30.1. Michael Schulze (HU Berlin): „Qualifikation im Graslandbantu”
- 6.2. Gina Wallbach (HU Berlin, Master project): „Sheng in ostafrikanischer Popmusik”
- 13.2. Benedikt Winkhart (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “The documentation of Limassa”