1. Sule, E. E. What the Sea Told Me (poetry). Lagos: Hybun Publications, 2009.
2. Egya, Sule E. In Their Voices and Visions: Conversations with New Nigerian Writers (Vol. 1). Lagos: Apex Books, 2007.
3. Sule, E. E. Dream and Shame (short stories). Abuja: Roots Books and Journals, 2006.
4. Sule, E. E. Naked Sun (poetry). Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, 2006.
5. Egya, Sule E. & Ojinmah, Umelo. The Writings of Zaynab Alkali (critical work) Abuja: RON Publishers, 2005.
6. Sule, E. E. Knifing Tongues (poetry). Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, 2005.
7. Sule, E. E. Impotent Heavens (short stories). Makurdi: Napo Enterprise, 2004.
Chapters in Books
8. Egya, Sule E. “From Chinua Achebe to Sefi Atta: The Novelist as Teacher.” Ed. Joseph Ushie & Denja Abdullahi. Themes Fall Apart but the Centre Holds: 50 Seasons of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart – 1958-2008. Lagos: Association of Nigerian Authors. 196-212.
9. Egya, Sule E. “Of War and Decadence: Historicism and the Poetry of Ossie Enekwe.” Ed. GMT Emezue. Onuora Ossie Enekwe: Critical Supplement. 2008. 83-100.
10. Egya, Sule E. “Postcolonial Immigration and Psychic Devaluation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘Once in a Lifetime.’” Women’s Writing in English: India and Australia. Ed. Jaydeep Sarangi. New Delhi: GNOSIS, 2008. 91-98.
11. Egya, Sule E. “Introduction: Behold the Children of Christopher Okigbo at the Crossroads!” Crossroads: an Anthology of Poems in Honour of Christopher Okigbo. Ed. Patrick Tagbo Oguejiefor and Uduma Kalu. Lagos: Apex Books, 2008. xv-xxii.
12. Egya, Sule E. “An Exploration into the Proverbs of Selected Ethnic Groups in Nasarawa State.” The History and Culture of Nasarawa State. Ed. Olayemi Akinwunmi. Abuja: Roots Books and Journal, 2007.
13. Egya, Sule E. “‘Every Poem Becomes Dangerous’: The Aesthetics of Resistance in Contemporary Nigerian Poetry.” Presentations of Postcolonialism in English: New Orientations. Ed. Jaydeep Sarangi. New Delhi: Authorpress, 2007. 95-106.
14, Sule, E. E. “This Blaze of Lust.” Camouflage: Best of Contemporary Writing from Nigeria. Ed. Nduka Otiono and Odo Okenyodo. Yenegoa: Treasure Books, 2006.
Journal articles
15. Egya, Sule E. & Olotu Jacob Beckson. “Early Marriage and Its Consequences: A Feminist Reading of Zaynab Alkali’s The Descendants.” Nigerian Journal of Social Research. 1. 3. (2009): 65-71.
16. Egya, Sule E. “‘In this land we love with pain’: a reading of Toyin Adewale's poetry.” African Identities. 7. 1. (2009): 105-121.
17. Egya, Sule E. “From the Crossroads to the Slit-Drum: Christopher Okigbo as a Political Poet.” Cavalcade: A Journal of Writing, Criticism and Art. 1. 1. (2008): 144- 155.
18. Egya, Sule E. & Garba, Ismail Bala. “‘Your Breath into My Breath’: an Exploration into Remi Raji’s Love Poems in A Harvest of Laughters.” Currents in African Literature and the English Language: Journal of ICALEL. 5. (2008): 112-123.
19. Egya, Sule E. & Beckson, Jacob Olotu. “From Exile to Diaspora: a New Identity in Recent Nigerian Fiction.” Seva Bharati Journal of English Studies. 4. (2008): 146- 156.
20. Egya, Sule E. “‘I was Second Best’: a Feminist Reading of Selected Poems from Maria Ajima’s Poems of Sanity.” Benue Valley Journal of Humanities. 7. 2. (2008): 146-156.
21. Egya, Sule E. “Transnational Imagination: Remi Raji’s Poetic Travelogue.” Nasara Journal of Humanity. 2. 2. (2008). 23-42.
22. Egya, Sule E. & Onogwu, Elizabeth. “From Ogugua to Bukuru: Silence and its Consequences in Okey Ndibe’s Arrow of Rains.” Zaria Journal of Liberal Arts. 1.2. (2007): 221-230.
23. Egya, Sule E. “Wine as a Creative Trope in Maria Ajima’s Poetry.” The Ker Review: a Journal of Nigerian Literature. 3. 1. (2007): 78-92.
24. Egya, Sule E. “The Nationalist Imagination in Remi Raji’s Lovesong for My Wasteland.” Research in African Literatures. 38. 4. (2007): 111-126.
25. Egya, Sule E. “The Minstrel as Social Critic: A Reading of Selected Poems from Ezenwa-Ohaeto’s The Chants of a Minstrel.” Matatu: Journal of African Culture and Society. 33. (2007): 179-192.
26. Egya, Sule E. “The Paradox of Exile in African Poetry: A Close Reading of Six Poems.” The African Journal of New Poetry. (2007): 81-100.
27. Egya, Sule E. “The Theme of Morality in Zaynab Alkali’s Fiction: A Re-reading of The Stillborn.” FAIS Journal. (2006): 1-17.
28. Egya, Sule E. “Contemporary Nigerian Poetry: Between Commitment and Aesthetics.” KAROGS. 8. (2006): 64-71.
29. Egya, Sule E. “‘Let’s Combat Tyranny’: The Social Dialogue of an African Eclipse.” The African Journal of New Poetry. 3. (2006): 41-58.
30. Egya, Sule E. “A Critique of the Images of the Oppressor in Remi Raji’s Poetry.” Ibadan Journal of English Studies. 2. (2005): 65-75.
31. Egya, Sule E. “Beyond Grammatical Errors: A Study of Condolences by Bina Nenghi-Ilagha, Fattening House by Omo Uwaifo and House of Symbols by Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo.” The Ker Review: a Journal of Nigerian Literature. 1.1. (2005): 3- 19.
32. Egya, Sule E and Beckson, Jacob Olotu. “The Poet on Military Misrule: A Study of Remi Raji’s Webs of Remembrance.” Benue Valley Journal of Humanities. 1. 6. (2005): 89-96.
33. Egya, Sule E. “The Quest for Unity in Ngugi’s Fiction.” Nasara Journal of Humanity. 1. 2. (2005): 75-80.
Conference Proceedings
34. Egya, E. Sule and Beckson Jacob O. “Oppression and the Oppressed in Emman Usman Shehu’s Poetry: A Study of Selected Poems from Open Sesame.” Writing, Performance and Literature in Northern Nigeria: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Literature in Northern Nigeria. Ed. Sa’idu B. Ahmed and Muhammed O. Bhadmus. 2006. 316-326
Book Reviews
35. Egya, Sule E. “The Nationalist Imagination Consolidated: A Review of Remi Raji’s Lovesong for My Wasteland.” Sentinel Quarterly. (2007):
36. Egya, Sule E. “In the Confidence of Her Individuality: A Reading of Angela Miri’s Running Waters and Other Poems.”
37. Egya, Sule E. “The Obscene, The Iconoclastic: A Review of Uche Nduka’s Heart’s Field.” SemiCerchio. (2006). 110-111.
38. Egya, Sule E. “Appreciating Raja Rao’s Nationalist Imagination: a Review of Raja Rao: the Master and His Moves.” Reflection: a Literary Journal. 1 & 2. (2006):167- 170.
39. Sule, E. E. “A Grandmother’s Aggressive Passion to Live: A Review of Zaynab Alkali’s The Descendant.” Leadership BOOKARTS. 14 August 2005: 38.
40. Sule, E. E. “Encountering Gender-sensitive Poetry: A Review of Paulina Mabayoje’s The Colours of Sunset.” Nigerian Newsday Weekly. 9-15 May 2005: 26.
41. Sule, E. E. “In the Tentacles of a Male Monster: A Review of Unoma Azuah’s High- Sky Flame.” THISDAY Arts and Review. 4 December 2005: 40.
42. Sule, E. E. “The Child in a War Situation: A Review of Mohammed Suleiman’s The Lost Child.” Nigerian Newsday Weekly. 30 May-5 June 2005: 18.
Interviews in Journals/Magazines
43. Egya, Sule E. “‘I Certainly Have a Vision for Writing’: A Conversation with Remi Raji.” The Ker Review: A Journal of Nigerian Literature. 1. 1. (2005). 67-86.
44. Egya, Sule E. “‘I Write for the Thinking Mind’: A Conversation with Maik Nwosu.”
Literary/Polemical Essays
45. Sule, E. E. “After The Storm: NLNG Poetry Prize’s Report and Matters Arising.”
46. Sule, E. E. “The Novelist as Teacher: A 21st Century Criticism.” African Writing Online. 4. (2008).
47. Sule, E. E. “Literary Language and Recent Nigerian Fiction.”
48. Sule, E. E. “A Twenty-First Century Response to Chinweizu et. al.” Daily Independent Book Review. 6 September 2004: E2.
49. Sule, E. E. “Beyond Social Commitment, Meaning and Audience: Towards the Soyinkanisation of Nigerian Literature.
50. Sule, E. E. “In Defence of the New Generation of Nigerian Writers.” Leadership BOOKARTS. 26 December 2004: 72.
51. Sule, E. E. “Culture, Ethnic Tradition and African Literature Today.” Weekly Trust BOOKSHELF. 16-23 October 2004: 26.
Creative/Patent Works
52. Sule, E. E. “What the Sea Told Me.” Pyramids: an Anthology of Poems from Northern Nigeria. Ed. Ismail Bala Garba & Abdullahi Ismiala. Ibadan: Kraft Books, 2008. 34.
53. Sule, E. E. “I Choose to Rise,” “Between Our Eyes” and “Towards Your Nirvana.” Prosopisia: an International Journal of Poetry and Creative Writing. 1. (2008): 31-32.
54. Sule, E. E. “How Long Must this Poem be Barren?” “Stranger,” “Neurotic Phases” and “Live for Him, Let Him Live for You.” Crossroads: an Anthology of Poems in
Honour of Christopher Okigbo. Ed. Patrick Tagbo Oguejiefor and Uduma Kalu. Lagos: Apex Books, 2008. 170-173.
55. Sule, E. E. “Road is Swim.” (Poem). The Ker Review: A Journal of Nigerian Literature. 2. 1 & 2. (2006): 101.
56. Sule, E. E. “I Claim,” “My father’s god.” (Poems). Drumvoices Revue. 14. 1&2. (2006).
57. Sule, E. E. “She Died Too.” (Poem) MindFire Africa. Winter. (2006). 58. Sule, E. E. “Didn’t you B.” (Poem) Sentinel Poetry Online. 39. (2006).
59. Sule, E. E. “Parable of Fingers”, “I Knew How I died”, “This Hypnosis shall Pass Away” and “Neurotic Phase II.” (Poems) Sentinel Poetry Online. No. 32. (2005).
60. Sule, E. E. “By the Streamside.” (Poem) Farafina Online. No. 10. (2005).
61. Sule, E. E. “May 29: Cruel Cards” and “June 29: Little Puppy.” (Poems) Five Hundred Nigerian Poets Volume 1. Ed. Jerry Agada. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, 2005.
62. Sule, E. E. “My Heroine.” (Poem) Asheville Poetry Review. 12. 1. (2005). 63. Sule, E. E. “feb23: my soldier”, “june9: strikestretched”, “july29: another love
Public Lectures / Lead Paper Presentations
64. Egya, Sule E. “Writers as Agents for Societal Transformation.” Being a Paper Presented at the IBB University Pen Club Annual Lecture, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria, on July 31, 2008.
65. Egya, Sule E. “Between Writing in Hausa and Writing in English: A Dialogue.” Being a Lecture at the Second Mohammed Karaye Prize for Hausa Literature, Held at Musa Yar’Adua Centre, Abuja FCT, Nigeria on October 23, 2008.
66. Egya, Sule E. “Crippled Idiom: The English Language in Nigeria in the Twenty-First Century.” Being a Lead Paper Presented at the 7th ELTT Annual National Conference Held at The Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa, Nasarawa State, Nigeria, on 6th-9th October, 2009.