Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

M.A. Alice Trinkle

M.A. Alice Trinkle
Johannisstr. 10, Raum 206


(030) 2093-66928

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Alice Trinkle is a Research and Teaching Fellow at the chair of Prof Sarah Eaton and a Doctoral Researcher in the Junior Research Group ‘Peripheral Liberalism’ at the Research Cluster ‘Contestations of the Liberal Script’ at Free University Berlin.

Research Focus

Alice specialises in global history with a particular emphasis on China and Hungary. Her PhD project examines transnational exchanges on marketisation within socialist contexts (1970s–1990s), focusing on a global network of reform thinkers and practitioners in socialist China and Eastern Europe. Specifically, she analyses their impact on China’s ‘Reform and Opening’ policies and reform thought.

Research Interests

Alice's research interests encompass, for example, the global and economic history of China and Central Eastern Europe, (post)socialist economies and societies, and Chinese activities in Eastern Europe.


Alice studied History, Chinese Studies, German Language and Literature, and Educational Science at SOAS University of London, UIBE Beijing, and Potsdam University. She earned her MA from SOAS and is an alumna of the Oxford Europeaum Scholars Programme, a leadership training programme for policy advice.

Professional Experience

Alice has diverse experience both within and outside academia, including teaching, political management, think tanks, and PR/media relations.


  • China's Economic Reforms in Global Context (SoSe 24)
  • The People’s Republic of China & (Central-)Eastern Europe (WiSe 24/25)
  • China & Europe through Historical Primary Sources (SoSe24)
  • (Global) History Research in China Studies & Beyond (WiSe 24/25)


  • Axe/Rupprecht/Trinkle: Peripheral Liberalism. New Perspectives on the Liberal Script in the (Post-) Socialist World. In: Börzel/Gerschweski/Zürn (Eds.): The Liberal Script at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Conceptions, Components, and Tensions. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2024, 297-316.
  • Trinkle, A., 2024: Review: A. Hansen, J.I. Bekkevold, K. Nordhaug (eds.): The Socialist Market Economy in Asia: Development in China, Vietnam and Laos. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, in: Comparativ 5-6 (2023), 756-758.
  • Trinkle/Hoppe: Die (Un-)Möglichkeit eines europäischen China-Konsenses. Te.Ma Special Input, 2023.
  • Trinkle, A., 2023: Review I. Weber: How China escaped Shock Therapy. The Market Reform Debate. London/New York: Routledge, 2021, in: Comparativ 2 (2023), 250-252.
  • Ambrosino/Birk/Mingardi/Nikolou/Spielberger/Thevenin/Trinkle, 2023: Youth and Democracy: Digital Opportunities for the Future of Participation. in: Rouet, G. /Côme, T. (Ed.): Participatory and Digital Democracy at the Local Level. European Discourses and Practices. Cham: Springer, 67-83.
  • Trinkle/Garten/Petry/Yang/ZhangHow to successfully carry out China research in challenging times – A perspective from junior scholars. SCRIPTS Think piece No. 14, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS), 2022.
  • Trinkle, A.: The Liberal Script in the Socialist World: János Kornai and China. SCRIPTS Think piece No. 11, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS), 2022.
  • Trinkle, A., 2022: Review U. Mählert / F. Wemheuer (Ed.): Machterhalt durch Wirtschaftsreformen. Chinas Einfluss in der sozialistischen Welt. Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung, Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2020, in: Comparativ 5-6 (2021), 682–685.
  • Axe/Rupprecht/Trinkle: Peripheral Liberalism. New Perspectives on the History of the Liberal Script in the (Post-)Socialist World. SCRIPTS Working Paper No. 13, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”, 2021.

Conference & workshop presentations

  • “Bringing Markets to Finance? Chinese-Hungarian exchange on socialist banking and pricing, 1983–1985.”
    Workshop “The Social History of Money across the Eastern Bloc and the Global South in the Twentieth Century”, University of Cambridge, June 2024

  • “From off-the Record to official Cooperation. Chinese-Hungarian academic relations in the name of
    economic reforms. The 1980s.”
    Workshop “From Local to Global: Socialism and Health in East Asia”, Shanghai University/University of Exeter, Shanghai, June 2024

  • “Hungarian-Chinese exchanges on Banking, 1983-1985.”
    Workshop “Knowledge from the Margins, Marginal Knowledge?”, Free University Berlin/Science Po Grenoble/Research Cluster Contestations of the Liberal Script, Berlin, February 2024

  • “Reform Socialism or Liberalisation? Chinese-Eastern European exchanges, 1976-1992.”
    European Historical Economics Society Conference, Vienna University of Economics and Business, September 2023  
  • “Eine sozialistische Wirtschaftsreform? Wie China Marktwirtschaft vom sozialistischen Osteuropa lernte.”
    Public Talk at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Free University Berlin, June 2023
  • “Reinventing Socialism. Kornai, Wu Jinglian, and the global socialist reformers’ network.”
    Kornai Symposium, Harvard University/Central European University/Corvinus University, Budapest, May 2023
  • “Reinventing Socialism. Chinese-Eastern European exchanges on reform, 1976-1992.”
    Workshop “Global Transformations of Political Economy”, Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) and SCRIPTS, University Vienna, March 2023
  • “Abandon Leninism, Accomplish Freedom. How Su Shaozhi’s reform theories were shaped by encounters with Hungarian reformers.”
    Workshop “Peripheral Liberalism. Market economists and the liberal script outside the West, 1970-2020”, Research Cluster Contestations of the Liberal Script, Berlin, October 2022
  • “Market Economic Thinking in China in Exchange with (Post) Socialist Eastern Europe, 1978 –2001.”
    Annual Conference Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Amsterdam, July 2022
  • “ ‘Goulash-Communism’ 2.0? Hungary’s Rezső Nyers and Chinese reform economists in the 1980s.” Workshop: “Between Trade and Aid. Theories, practices, and results of attempts of exporting state-socialist development models for the Third World”, GWZO Leipzig, June 2022
  • “Liberal Economic Thinking in China in Exchange with (Post) Socialist Eastern Europe, 1978 – 2001.” Workshop “Chinese Political Thought – A Global Dialogue beyond 'Orientalism'”, University of Naples, Tallinn University, European Institute for Chinese Studies, Online Presentation, January 2022 
  • “Unmute the Youth!”
    Closing Conference Europaeum Scholars Programme “Crisis as an Opportunity for Europe?”, Real Fundación, Toledo, October 2021
  • “Market Economic Thinking in China in Exchange with (Post) Socialist Eastern Europe, 1978 – 2001.” Conference “China and Global History” Vienna University and Graz University, Online Presentation, September 2021