2007 Pennacini, C and H. Wittenberg (eds) Rwenzori: Histories and Cultures of an African Mountain. Kampala: Fountain Press, 362 pages. ISBN: 9789970027552
2005 Alan Paton Lost City of the Kalahari. University of Kwa Zulu Natal Press. ISBN 1-86914-066-4. Edited the manuscript, wrote the “Introduction” (pp. 1 – 17) and compiled the publication.
1997 Wittenberg, H. Learning about English. Juta Publishers, Cape Town, ISBN 0-7021-3873-8, 145 pages. Foreword by Njabulo S. Ndebele.
Peer-Reviewed Accredited Journal Articles
2011 “Race, Resistance and Translation: the case of John Buchan’s UPrester John”. English Studies in Africa 54 (1): 1-10.
“Notes towards a History of Khoi Literature.” English Academy Review 28(1): 6-22.
“J.M. Coetzee and Ravan Press: Towards an Archaeology of Dusklands”, English in Africa (accepted for publication and forthcoming).
“Wilhelm Bleek and Khoi Imagination: a study of censorship, genocide and colonial science”. Journal of Southern African Studies (accepted for publication and forthcoming).
2010 “The Pregnant Man: Race, Difference and Subjectivity in Alan Paton’s Kalahari Writing”. In English Academy Review 27 (2): 30-41.
“Late Style in J.M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year”. In Scrutiny2 15(2): 40 – 49.
2009 The Trace of Jewish Suffering in Johannes Bobrowski's Poetry. Literator 30(3) Des./Dec. 2009: 49 – 76. (co-author with F. Wittenberg)
2008 “The Taint of the Censor: J.M. Coetzee and the Making of In the Heart of the Country.” In English in Africa, 35 (2): 147--64.
2007 “Alan Paton’s writing for the stage: towards a non-racial South African theatre”. South African Theatre Journal. Vol. 21: 307-327.
2005 “Paton’s Sublime: Race, Landscape and the transcendence of the Liberal Imagination”. Current Writing 17 (2): 3 - 23.
2002 “Imperial Naming and the Sources of the Nile”. Nomina Africana 14 (1): 1-18.
1997 “Imperial Space and the Discourse of the Novel”, in Journal of Literary Studies, (June/July): 127 -150.
Chapter in Books
2011 “J.M. Coetzee and Ravan Press: Towards an Archaeology of Dusklands”. In Clarkson, Carol (ed.) J.M. Coetzee and the Aesthetics of Place. Cape Town: UCT Press (forthcoming).
2007 “Introduction” (co-author), pp.1-7, and “The Rwenzori in the Western Imagination” pp.106-123. In Pennacini, C and H. Wittenberg (eds) Rwenzori: Histories and Cultures of an African Mountain. Kampala: Fountain Press.
2001 “Ruwenzori: Imperialism and Desire in African Alpinism”, pp. 235 -258. In Wilson, R. and C. von Maltzan (eds) Spaces and Crossings. Essays on Literature and Culture in Africa and Beyond. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M.
Other Publications
2010 Review of Alan Paton’s “The Hero of Currie Road” (Umuzi 2009), in English Academy Review 27(1): 102-104.
"The Burden of Dishonour: The Idea of J.M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year." In Caiet de Semiotica 21/2010, Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, ISSN 1012-1471.
2006 "Occult, Empire and Landscape: the Colonial Uncanny in John Buchan's African Writing". Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 7.2: online.
1999 “Race, Memory and Trauma in Sindiwe Magona’s Mother to Mother.” In English Academy Review 15 (2): 318-321.
1998 Wittenberg, H., G. Baderoon, Y. Steenkamp (eds): Inter Action 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Postgraduate Conference. Co-editor of conference proceedings.
1996 Wittenberg, H. and L. Nas (eds): AUETSA 96. Proceedings of the Conference of the Association of University English Teachers of South Africa, Vol. 1.
Baderoon, G., C. Roper and H. Wittenberg (eds): Inter Action. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Postgraduate Conference.
1995 Baderoon, G., C. Roper and H. Wittenberg (eds): Inter Action. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Postgraduate Conference.
1994 Nas, L., C. Roper and H. Wittenberg (eds): Inter Action. Proceedings of the Third Annual Postgraduate Conference.