4th HIP-Workshop
You are cordially invited to participate in the 4th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 29th June, 2012. The workshop aims to provide a forum for exchange across institutional and disciplinary boundaries on topics related to South Asia.
4th HIP Workshop
The workshop aims at contributing to the goal of the Humboldt India Project of bringing together the South Asia competence of the Humboldt-Universität and its partners in Berlin. Individual projects at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels from across institutions and disciplines will be presented and discussed.
29 June, 2012
IAAW, Room 217
Invalidenstr. 118
Project Presentations
Rajeshwari Mallegowda LGF, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: An Institutional Analysis of Vegetable Supply Chains in Emerging Megacity of Hyderabad, India
Lisa Sturm GESI, Universität Leipzig: New York Merchants and the Indian Ocean Trade 1790-1815
Stephan Beutner IAAW, Humboldt-University zu Berlin: Representations of Nature in India: Property and Progress
Sven Andressen, IAAW, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin: Picturizing Indian History - Indian Self-Image on Postage Stamps
Sabil Francis GESI, Universität Leipzig: The University as a Critical Juncture: The IITs and India’s Quest for the Ideal University
For further Information about HIP you can visit the homepage:
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us: