Charlotte Bengsch
- Name
- Charlotte Bengsch
- Visiting Address
- Johannisstr. 10, Room 405
- Phone
- (030) 2093-66126
- Fax
- (030) 2093-66131
- Consultation hours
Mondays, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Please log in at the following link:
Consultation hours take place via Zoom:
Charlotte Bengsch studied Chinese as a Foreign Language and English Philology at Göttingen University. After studying abroad at National Chengchi University (Taipei), National Taiwan Normal University and Fudan University (Shanghai), she graduated with a Master of Education in 2019. In January 2021, she completed her teacher training for secondary schools. She has been working as a lecturer for Chinese at IAAW since March 2021.