Lara Hofner, MA
- Foto
- Name
- Lara Hofner MA
- hofnelar (at)
Office: Invalidenstraße 118, Raum 115
Phone: (030) 2093-66020
Curriculum Vitae
- Since October 2022 PhD project “Karibische Philosophie. Archipelisches Denken einer Inselwelt als globale Philosophiegeschichte” (“Caribbean Philosophy. Archipelagic thinking of an island world as a global history of philosophy”)
- October 2018-July 2022 Master of Arts in Global History at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. (Master’s thesis: “Pluriversales Denken als dekolonialer Ansatz in der Globalgeschichte” / “Pluriversal thinking as a decolonial approach in global history”)
- October 2015-June 2019 Bachelor of Arts in Spanish philology with Latin American studies, Brazilian Portuguese, and Chinese Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
- October 2015-January 2016 Erasmus+ Program in intercultural philosophy and African studies at the University of Vienna
- September 2012-July 2013 Bachelor+ scholarship program in Caribbean cultural studies at Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
- October 2010-December 2017 Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and regional studies with a focus on southeast Asia at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Editorialships, publications and translations (selection)
- Hofner, Lara (editor). Section „Thinkers, Concepts and Perspectives“. In Jodhka, Surinder; Rehbein, Boike (Hrsg.). 2023. Global Handbook of Inequality. Springer. (forthcoming)
- English to German translation: de Joya, Preciosa. 2023. Polylog und der geschlossene Kreislauf: (Irr-)Wege der Aufklärung auf den Philippinen (Ibid)
- Hofner, Lara. 2023. Sich gegenseitig aufklären? Perspektiven auf polylogisches Philosophieren im Black Atlantic. In Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz/Hofner, Lara (editor). 2023. Polylog als Aufklärung? Interkulturell-philosophische Impulse. Facultas.
- Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz/Hofner, Lara (editor). 2023. Polylog als Aufklärung Interkulturellphilosophische Impulse. Facultas.
- Feldmann, Miriam/Hofner, Lara/Yoganathan Lawanna. 2022. „Tagungsbericht: Philosophie und Rassismus“. Polylog. Zeitschrift Für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, Nr. 48: 161-64.
- Hofner, Lara. 2021. Bibliographie: „Indonesischsprachige Philosophiegeschichten“. Open access:
- Hofner, Lara. 2020. „The South against the destroying machine: An interdisciplinary attempt to theorize social ontology for a decolonial project in the social sciences“. In Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South. Routledge.
- Spanish to German translation (with Amalia Barboza and Nausikaa Schirilla): Segato, Rita Laura. 2020. „Coronavirus: Wir sind alle sterblich. Vom leeren Signifikanten zur offenen Natur der Geschichte“. Polylog. Zeitschrift Für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, Nr. 44:117–27.
- English to German translation: Roche, Sophie. 2018. „Kultur-Relation Und Transkulturalität. Ein Nachdenken Über Muslime in Deutschland mit der Philosophie Édouard Glissants“. Polylog. Zeitschrift Für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, Nr. 39: 119–41.
Lectures, workshops and moderations (selection)
- 26.06.2023 Lecture “From the Black Atlantic to the Black Pacific: Philosophical Perspectives on Transnational Travels of Concepts Between Island Worlds” at the conference of the New Zealand Studies Association
- 22.06.2023 Lecture „The ‘archipelagic thinking’ of ‘sea as history’ in the ‘repeating islands’ of the ‘Black Atlantic’ or how to think a history of philosophy and thought in the Caribbean” at the conference of the Caribbean Philosophical Association
- 21.04.2023 Organization of the workshop: Inseldenken, Inselwelten with Sina Emde, diffrakt Berlin
- 28.06. - 01.07.2022 Organization of the EuroSEAS Laboratories (with Preciosa de
Joya) „Histories of Philosophy in a Southeast Asian Perspective“ - 21.06.2022 Moderation of the discussion „Latin America in Global Intellectual History: Rethinking the Peripheral Condition“ with Clara Ruvituso und Ian Merkel
- 03. – 05.03.2022 Organization of the workshop: Between the Universal and the Pluriversal in Times of Globalization, Institute of Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
- 5. – 9.09.2021 XXV. Kongress der DGPhil (FAU): “Kreolisierung” als dekoloniales philosophisches Konzept in der Sektion: Philosophie in globaler Perspektive: Philosophie in der lateinamerikanischen Welt
- 10. – 13.09.2019 Organization of the EuroSEAS Roundtable „Philosophies in Southeast Asia“, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- 15. – 16.06.2019 German-Iranian Conference Globalization and Cultural Alternatives, Allameh Tabataba'i University (Tehran): Creolization as Another Globalization
- 24. – 25.02.2017 Wiener Forum interkulturellen Philosophierens: Das Projekt Weltphilosophien – Chancen einer polylogisch-kaleidoskopischen Theoriebildung
Practical and academic experience (selection)
- March 2022-September 2025 Research Associate at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Department for Society and Transformation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- October 2022 – March 2024 Research Assistant in the DFG-Koselleck Project: Geschichten der Philosophie in globaler Perspektive, Universität Hildesheim
- November – December 2021 Fellow in the DFG-Koselleck Project: Geschichten der Philosophie in globaler Perspektive, Universität Hildesheim
- September 2019 Joint Organization of EuroSEAS (largest congress for Southeast Asian Studies golbally)
- October 2016 – present Editorial board member, chief editor since 2021 at polylog –Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren, Vienna
- October 2016 – December 2018 Freelance Indonesian proofreader at the online language learning platform
- April 2016 – September 2019 Student assistant at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Department for Society and Transformation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, for Prof. Boike Rehbein
- February – March 2016 Erasmus+ Internship at the Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst in cooperation with the Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie, Vienna
- September 2014 Joint Organization of AHILA (congress of Latin American historians) at Freie Universität Berlin (around 1000 participants)
- January 2012 – January 2017 Erasmus+ student assistant at the International Office of the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.