Current Dissertation Projects
First supervisor
Aybek Momunjanov, M.A. (since April 2015):
"Tablighi Practice – A Way of Inter-Ethnic Integration in Kyrgyzstan?"
Funded by Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Contact: aybek.momunjanov (at)
Anton Nikolotov, M.A. (since October 2013):
"Geographies of afterlife: The futurist imaginations in the lives of Muslim market workers in Moscow"
Scholarship at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
Nurjamal Omurkanova (starting September 2017)
"Muslimisch-Aktiv-Weiblich: Islam und gesellschaftliches Engagement von Frauen in Kirgistan"
Shahar Shoham (starting September 2017)
"'I am only a worker'. Narratives of Mobility between Thailand and Israel"
gefördert durch die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Kristina Dohrn, M.A. (since October 2012):
"Beyond Classrooms: Education and Ethics in Schools of the Gülen Movement in Urban Tanzania"
PhD-Candidate at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger, FU)
Contact: kristina.dohrn (at)
Liese Hoffmann, M.A. (since October 2013):
"Meanings of School in Post-Colonial Coastal Kenya"
Scholarship at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger, FU)
Miriam Kurz, M.A. (since October 2015):
"Euromuslim, Gangster, Prophet-Lover, Islamist? Young Muslim Men in Berlin between Public Discourse, Religious Discursive Traditions, and Gendered Subject Formation"
PhD-Candidate at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami, FU)
Contact: kurz (at)
Syaifudin Zuhri, M.A. (since October 2014):
"The Invention of Tradition and the Politics of Place: Muslims in Bali"
PhD-Candidate at the Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vincent Houben)
Kontakt: zuhri (at)
Aleah Connley, M.A.:
"Towards a Theory of the Dynamics of Islam and Politics in Provincial Indonesia"
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vincent Houben)
Rustam Samadov, M.A.:"Life, Work, And Religion of Tajik Labor Migrants in Russia"
PhD-Candidate at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Baldauf, HU)
Isabel Weiss, M.A.:
"Religion als homogenisierende Kraft in der Lenkung gesellschaftlicher Bewegungen in Israel"
Financed through the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Gräb, HU)
Amrei Sander, M.A.:
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Feldkeller, HU)
Markus Fiebig M.A.:
Financed through the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gudrun Krämer, FU)
Lisa Ernst, M.A.:
Financed through the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Baldauf, HU)