Beiträge Wintersemester 2019/20
- 22.10. Tom Güldemann (HU Berlin): “The historical-comparative status of East Sudanic”
- 29.10. Christina Märzhäuser (Universität München): “Antonio da Costa Peixoto’s glossary 'Obra Nova de língua Geral de Mina' (1741) - a 18th century variety of Gbe as vernacular language in Minas Gerais (Brasil)”
- 5.11. Julia Paas (HU Berlin, B.A. project): „Nigerianische Sprachen im Bildungssystem: Erfahrungen aus Pilotprojekten”
- 12.11. André Motingea Mangulu (Universität Mainz): “The non-Mɔ́ngɔ features in the languages of the former hunters-gatherers of the Inner Congo Basin: a contribution to historical linguistics and the history of migrations”
- 26.11. Shumirai Nyota (Great Zimbabwe University & HU Berlin): “Doing things with Shona new proverbs: a speech act theory analysis of selected Shona postproverbials”
- 3.12. Marcin Kilarski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan): “Concurrent nominal classification systems in Indo-European languages”
- 10.12. Sylvanus Job (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Valency in a Khoekhoegowab corpus: a case of two comitative marking strategies”
- 17.12. Nadine Grimm (Rochester University): “Grammatical tone in Bantu: insights from Gyeli”
- 14.1.2020 Henok Wondimu (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project) “The co-occurrence of -kka and k’asse in Gamo and its pragmatic implications”
- 21.1. Jan Junglas (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “On the realization of tripartite number in Northeastern Africa”
- 28.1. Thomas Stolz (Universität Bremen): “Adversative im typologischen Sprachvergleich”
- 4.2. Zvinashe Mamvura (HU Berlin, University of Harare): “Rephonologisation and remorphologisation of bastardised African place names in post-independence Zimbabwe as dispositif”
- 11.2. Michael Schulze (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Comparative gender and deriflection systems of Mel”