Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

Cooperations and Networks


Beyond Social Cohesion - Global Repertoires of Living Together

This 3-year research cooperation is one out of six projects that receive funding by the "grand challenges initiative" under the umbrella of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA). The overarching theme of the initiative is "social cohesion". Read more on RePLITO here and about the "social cohesion" as a challenging topic here. Consortium members are: Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami (FU Berlin, speaker); Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider (HU Berlin, co-speaker); Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa (FU Berlin); Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse (Leibniz-Zenturm Moderner Orient/ZMO Berlin); Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs (HU Berlin); Prof. Dr. Manja Stephan-Emmrich (HU Berlin); and Dr. Saskia Schäfer (HU Berlin). RePLITO website is online at



Conceptual Collaboration: Living Borderless Research Interaction

This research cooperation is seed funded in the framework of the Inaugural Call from the Berlin University Alliances' (BUA) Center for Global Engagement. In the Center's program segment of "multi-stakeholder dialogue", co2libri members receive financial support for one year, starting in autumn 2020. The funding is used for the implementation of various innovative activities and collaboration formats which all subscribe to the principle of dialogue on equal footing with scholars and activists based in the so-called global South, i.e. in formerly colonized regions. In a nutshell, co2libri aims at producing more adequate and more sensitive critical knowledge, and at applying a fresh view to approach, methods, and ethical standards. The group focuses on alternative frames of reference and theorizations of lived experiences. Read more on co2libri here, and more on the inaugural call and its projects here. Team members of co2libri are: Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient/ZMO Berlin, lead applicant); PD Dr. Andrea Fleschenberg (HU Berlin, lead applicant); Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami (FU Berlin); Prof. Dr. Ulrike Freiag (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient/ZMO Berlin); Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider (HU Berlin); Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs (HU Berlin); and Dr. Nahed Samour (HU Berlin). Please consult this website entry for upcoming public events of co2libri.


On the co2libri initiative 

As an interdisciplinary and transregionally oriented initiative, co2libri envisages a multicentric perspective that integrates neglected positions of Southern theory and praxis into the heart of academic conversations. Co2libri’s collaborative endeavor builds on long-standing active connections with partners in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Instead of setting an agenda from the North, it proposes to figure out ways forward through collaborative engagement, building on relationships of mutual trust. Using formats that facilitate substantial and open-ended discussion, we are re-thinking theory and method, academic practices, and research ethics, while keeping material inequalities in view.
We are working toward the implementation of various innovative activities and collaboration formats which all subscribe to the principle of dialogue on equal footing with scholars and activists based in the so-called global South, i.e. in formerly colonized regions. In a nutshell, co2libri aims at producing more adequate and more sensitive critical knowledge, and at applying a fresh view to approach, methods, and ethical standards. The group focuses on alternative frames of reference and theorizations of lived experiences. Hereby, the negotiation and formulation of what it means to take an adequate position, and a constructive role, by scholars based in the global North, within the current field of demands and expectations towards decolonizing scholarship, in dialogical exchange with academic partners based in the global South, is seen as a central task and obligation.



Introducing Future Academic Collaboration

InFACt is a bilateral research initiative of members from HU Berlin and the University of Zürich (Switzerland). Both universities are strategic partners. The reserach collaboration is lead by Claudia Derichs (HU Berlin) and Bettina Dennerlein (University of Zürich), and co-lead by Dr. Sarah Farag (Zürich) and PD Dr. Andrea Fleschenberg (Berlin). The wider network consists of a range of colleagues from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East & North Africa. The network initiative receives seed funding for one year (10/2020 - 09/2021). Its main objective is to counter imbalances in global knowledge production and enable context-sensitive, participatory collaboration between scholars and non-academic actors from the said regions. The seed funding is meant to facilitate the formlation of a project proposal for a major research consortium that extends the strategic Swiss-German partnership and includes institutions from a number of European, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries. Read more on InFACt here and keep yourself updated on public events.