08.06.2021 "Communicating Cityscapes" Gastvortrag von Drs. Fresco Sam-Sin
- https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/de/region/ostasien/aktuelles/archiv/08-06-communicating-cityscapes
- 08.06.2021 "Communicating Cityscapes" Gastvortrag von Drs. Fresco Sam-Sin
- 2021-06-08T14:15:00+02:00
- 2021-06-08T15:45:00+02:00
- Wann 08.06.2021 von 14:15 bis 15:45
- Wo via Zoom
Einladung zum Gastvortrag von Drs. Fresco Sam-Sin
"Communicating Cityscapes"
am 8. Juni 2021 um 14:15 Uhr (über Zoom)
The city speaks to us, in many ways and in many languages. A city, however complex, is an object; a thing that talks. Objects are material expressions of human experience. The city is shaped by many different kinds of makers, from government to passerbys. Also, the fact that the city is something that we shape to share, and live in with others, makes it into an object that communicates crucial information about how and why we live together. During this lecture, Fresco Sam-Sin will guide us through a myriad of cityscapes, discussing them in their own right as well as within the context of the city they are part of. The lecture starts in the Forbidden City in Beijing.
Über den Sprecher: Fresco Sam-Sin studierte Sinologie und Mandschu an der Universität Leiden und der Minzu University of China in Peking. Er ist Dozent für Mandschu an der Universität Leiden und Initiator verschiedener Projekte zur digitalen Dokumentation materieller Kultur, u. a. Manc.hu und thingsthattalk.net.
Den Link zur Zoom-Sitzung erhalten Sie auf Anfrage an henning.kloeter@hu-berlin.de.