Masud Mirza, M.A.LL.B.
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- Name
- Masud Mirza M.A.LL.B.
- masudmirza (at)
Academic career
- since 2010 teaching assignment for Urdu at the seminar for South Asian studies, IAAW, Humboldt-University, Berlin
- 1995-2009: teaching assignment at the institute for Orient and Asia Studies at Rheinische Wilhelm-Universität, Bonn
- 1988-1995: Different teaching assignments, Bundessprachenamt, Hürth
- Since 1981: Language classes (Urdu, Paschto), regional studies (Pakistan) for the DSE/GIZ, Bad Honnef
- Since 1987: freelance teaching occupation as an intercultural trainer for InWent, CDG, GIZ, Auswärtiges Amt, BMZ, Deutsche Welle Akadmie, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung u.a.
- 1978-2009: Translator and interpretor for Urdu, Hindi, Paschto, Punjabi and English
- 1972-1977: Teaching occupation as freelance journalist for the Deutsche Welle
- 1969-1971: Occupation as a journalist in Pakistan
- 1964-1968: Study of politology, University of Peshawar
Publications: Grundkurs Urdu, DSE/GIZ, Bad Honnef (1992), Grundkurs Paschto, DSE/GIZ, Bad Honnef (1987)