Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Dr. phil. Ganchimeg Altangerel

Publications by Dr. Ganchimeg Altangerel | Erasmus project with the partner country Mongolia | Final Thesis Supervised by Dr. Ganchimeg Altangerel (as Primary or Secondary Supervisor) | Member of the Examination Committee in Ph.D. Dissertations | Workshop Mongolische Kalligrafie .pdf
Dr. phil. Ganchimeg Altangerel
research assistant
ganchimeg.altangerel.1 (at)

Visiting address
Invalidenstraße 118 , Room 504
Phone number
(030) 2093-66061
(030) 2093-66084
Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Office Hours: By appointment


Erasmus project with the partner country Mongolia

Student Projects: Subtitle Creation for Original Language Films from Mongolia

History of Mongolian Studies at Humboldt University


Areas of Teaching and Research:

  • Languages and Cultures of Mongolians in Mongolia, China, and Russia

  • The impact of social and climate change on the cultural asset of mobile livestock breeding among the Mongolians
  • Changes in family and gender relations among the Mongolians


Current Research Project:

  • The settlement patterns of Mongolians: transition from a mobile livestock herding life to an urban way of life from the middle of the 20th century onwards


Completed research projects:

  • Developing a Textbook for the Classical Mongolian Script (2020–2024)
  • Externally funded research project: The Effects of the Agricultural Collectivization of Livestock on Mongolian Society from the Middle of the 20th Century (with Dr. P.  Delgerjargal, National University of Mongolia, School of Science), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia (2020–2023)
  • On Question to Cultural Heritage in Mongolia (2016–2018)
  • Ph.D. Dissertation about changes in family and gender relations among the Mongolians and fieldtrip research in Eastern and Central Mongolia (2010–2013), funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation


Curriculum Vitae:

  • PhD studies at the Central Asian Seminar, Humboldt University in Berlin:
    "The meaning of my life is my children's future": Living conditions of single mothers in contemporary Mongolia
  • Diploma in Russian Studies from the University of Humanities in Ulaanbaatar as well as a Master's degree in German as a Foreign Language, Central Asian Studies and Educational Sciences from the Humboldt University and Technical University of Berlin



  • 2024: Classical Mongolian. A Textbook for Students, Scholars and Everyone Interested in Mongolian. Wiesbaden: Reichert.
  • 2015: „Der  Sinn  meines  Lebens  ist  die  Zukunft  meiner  Kinder“. Zur  Lebenssituation  alleinstehender  Mütter  in  der  gegenwärtigen Mongolei  (Dissertation).  Ulaanbaatar:  Monsudar. Also available as an online publication (2019) on the Open Access publication server of  Humboldt-Universität.
  • 2019: Familie und gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozessin der Mongolei. Herausgegeben gemeinsam mit Udo B. Barkmann. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Articles and Contributions:
  • 2022: The Symbolic Meaning of Cyrillic Mongolian and Classical Script. In: GAMSZINE (Magazin des Bereichs Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region), Vol. 4/2022, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 9-11.
  • 2021: Mobilität und Sesshaftigkeit in Zeiten der Kollektivierung. In: IAAW Newsletter, Ausgabe 8/2021, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 6.
  • 2020: Unpacking Cultural Heritage in Mongolia: The Image of the Mongolian Yurt (ger). In: IQAS (International Quarterly for Asian Studies), Vol. 51/2020 1–2, Freiburg: Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, pp. 243-260.
  • 2020:   Ein weltweit einzigartiges Format: Mongolische Filmabende am Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften.   In:   IAAW Newsletter,  Ausgabe  6/2020,  Berlin:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp.15-16.
  • 2020: Gastaufenthalt  an  der  Innermongolischen  Universität  in  Hohhot,  China.  In:  IAAW Newsletter, Ausgabe 6/2020, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp.38.
  • 2019: Viehzüchterinnen – die  neue Rolle der ländlichen Frauen.  In:  Barkmann,  Udo  B.;  Altangerel,  Ganchimeg  (Hg.):  Familie  und  gesellschaftlicher  Transformationsprozessin der Mongolei. Berlin: LIT Verlag, S. 43-68.
  • 2019: Leben  und  Wirken  von  Uta  Schöne.  In:  Barkmann,  Udo  B.;  Altangerel,  Ganchimeg(Hg.): Familie und gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozess in der Mongolei. Berlin: LIT Verlag, S. 9-18.
  • 2019: Hermann Consten ba Mongolčuud [Hermann Consten   und   die   Mongolen]. In: Mongolian and Northeast Asian Studies, Vol. 4/2019, Tokyo, 19pp.
  • 2018: Die Humboldts und die  Mongolei. In: IAAW Newsletter,  Ausgabe  2/2018,  Berlin:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 22.
  • 2018: Mongolčuud ba mongol ger [Die  Mongolen  und  die  mongolische  Jurte]. In: Historia Mongolarum, Vol. XVII.  No513  (38),  2018,  Ulaanbaatar: National  University of Mongolia, pp. 181-201.
  • 2017: Konferenz Familie und gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse in der Mongolei. In: IAAW Newsletter, Ausgabe 1/2017, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp.20.
  • 2017: Mongolyn ulamžlalt ger bülijn togtolcoo nijgmijn öörčlöltönd [Traditional  Mongolian Family   Forms   in   Transit io n].   In: International   Association  for  Mongol  Studies:  Mongolian Studies  and  Sustainable  Development,  Vol.  4/2017. Ulaanbaatar:  Admon,  pp. 271-279.
  • 2016: Mongolčuudyn  ulamžlalt nüüdlijn sojol, achujdajaršlalyn  erin üejd: Önöögijn malčdad tulgamdaž buj asuudluud [Keeping the  Traditional Nomadic Lifestyle: Challenges Herders Face in Contemporary  Mongolia]. In: Mongolian and Northeast Asian Studies  Vol. 2/2016, Association for the History and Culture of the Mongols, Japan: Fukyosha Publishing, pp. 26-34.
  • 2014: Mongolei – Gesamt. In: Munzinger Online: Länder – Internationales Handbuch. Munzinger Verlag, Ravensburg, S. 1-26.
  • 2013: Verehrung der Mutter: Ideale einst und heute. In: Mongolische  Notizen.  Mitteilungen der Deutsch-Mongolischen Gesellschaft 21/2013, Bonn, S. 89-95.
  • 2012: Ethnizität  und  Migration:  Ein  Beitrag  zur  Geschichte  und  Gegenwart  der Üzemčin in der   Ostmongo lei.   (gemeinsam mit   Christ ian   Ressel)   In: Mongolische   Notizen. Mitteilungen der Deutsch-Mongolischen Gesellschaft 20/2012, Bonn, S. 30-37.


Talks and Lectures:

  • New Space for Former Herders: Transitioning from Yurt to Apartment, XII International Congress of Mongolists “Pax Mongolica and Historical Experience,” Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 9-14, 2023
  • Border Protection of the Mongolians at the Time of Alexander von Humboldt, International Symposium “Alexander von Humboldt and the Mongolians,” Humboldt Forum Berlin, June 2, 2023
  • Von Nomaden zu Stadtbewohnern. Geschichte der Sesshaftwerdung der Mongolei im 20. Jahrhundert,University of Bern, November 24, 2022
  • Transformation of Mongolian Language and Everyday Culture during the Sedentarization of Mongolians in the 20th Century, International Conference “Mongolian Language and Culture in Contact” organized by Charles University, Prague, October 27-28, 2022
  • The Role of Agricultural Collectives in the Transition of Mongolians from a Nomadic to a Sedentary Lifestyle in the 20th Century, International Online Symposium “Reviewing the History of Collectivists and Herders” organized by Mongolian National University and National Museum of Mongolia, November 26, 2021
  • Mongolian Collections Held in Berlin, International Online Symposium “Language and Cultural in Exchange” organized by the Korean Studies Academy in Seoul and the Mongolian National University, November 27, 2020
  • Herman Consten ba Mongolčuud [Herman Consten and the Mongolians], the 11th International Symposium „Kyakhta and Khüriye: From the Viewpoints of Eurasia” organized by Sekiguchi Global Research Association, Atsumi International Foundation, Institute of International Culture Showa Women’s University in Tokyo and Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 31, 2018
  • From the Mongolian Yurt to a European-Apartment Building: Transformation Processes of Mongolians from Mobile Pastoralism to Sedentarism, the Second International Conference “Mongolia and the Mongols: Past and Present” organized by University of Warsaw, May 6-9, 2018
  • CrossAsia als Anlaufstelle für die Mongolei-Forschung, Fachtagung „Stand und Perspektiven des Fachinformationsdienstes CrossAsia – FID Asien” organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, January 25-26, 2018
  • Unpacking Nomadic Heritage: The Role of the Mongolian Yurt, the Second International Conference “Studies on Mongolian History, Language and Culture,” organized by Eötvös Loránd University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korean Association for Mongolian Studies and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, June 19-20, 2017
  • Keeping the Traditional Nomadic Lifestyle: Challenges Herders Face in Contemporary Mongolia,International Seminar “Sustainability of Rural Community in Northeast Asia” organized by National Museum of Ethnology Japan, Osaka, February 16-19, 2017
  • Viehzüchterinnen – die neue Rolle der ländlichen Frauen, International conference “Family and Social Transformation Process in Mongolia,“ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 2, 2016
  • Mongolyn ulamǰlalt ger bülijn togtolcoo nijgmijn öörčlöltönd [Traditional Mongolian Family Forms in Transition], XI International Congress of Mongolists, Ulaanbaatar, August 15, 2016
  • Mongolistik an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, International symposium “Mongolistik: Perspektiven akademischer Kooperation“ organized by Universität Bonn, Bonn, April 9, 2015
  • Önöögijn mongol emegtejn dür törh, ganc bie eeǰ naryn bodit amidralaar [The Image of Mongolian Women According to Single Mothers in Mongolia], International Conference “Changing Patterns of Power in Historical and Modern Central and Inner Asia” organized by International Unit for Central and Inner Asian Studies (Ulaanbaatar) and International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden), Ulaanbaatar, August 07-09, 2014
  • Mediendebatte über den Erhalt des materiellen und immateriellen Kulturerbes in der Mongolei, Internationale kulturpolitische Konferenz/Interdisziplinäres Brainstorming “Kunst, Identität, Erkenntnis – Visionen und Konzepte für die Rolle von Kunst und Kulturpolitik für eine moderne Zivilgesellschaft in der Mongolei & die Außenkulturpolitik in Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland“ organized by Urban Nomads // Nomad Citizens, Berlin, June 14, 2014


Organization of Academic Events:     

  • Workshop “Mongolian Calligraphy: Tradition and Modernity” in cooperation of Dr. Javkhlan Munkh-Erdene (National University of Mongolia), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, November 22, 2024, more information here
  • Workshop “Classical Mongolian and Calligraphy” in cooperation of Gunnar Baum (HU), Dr. Otgontuul Togtokh (National University of Mongolia), Dorjoo Unenbat (National University of Mongolia), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, June 9, 2023, more information here
  • International Symposium “Alexander von Humboldt and the Mongolians” organized with Prof. Dr. Marcel Robischon (HU) in cooperation with the Humboldt Lab, Humboldt Forum Berlin, 2. June 2023, more information here
  • Lecture series “Mongolia-Colloquium” with international scholars and experts, each semester four lecture evenings, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, from summer 2013 to winter 2022/2023
  • “Mongolian Film Evenings” with original language films from Mongolia and Mongolian speakers outside Mongolia, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, from winter 2014/15 to winter 2019/2020
  • Student Projects: Subtitle Creation for Original Language Films from Mongolia, from winter 2014/15 to winter 2019/20
  • “Mongolian Studies at the Humboldt University” at the Long Night of Science organized with students and lecturers with lectures, workshops, and different activities at university’s main building, June 24, 2017
  • Workshop “Naadam – Cultural Heritage of Mongolians” for students of Humboldt University and the University of Warsaw in cooperation of the Embassy of Mongolia in Germany, Dominikowo, Poland, June 9-11, 2017
  • International Conference “Family and Social Transformation Process in Mongolia” with the support of Prof. Dr. Udo B. Barkmann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 2, 2016
  • Study Excursion to Western Mongolia for undergraduate and graduate students of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mongolia, Aug 20 – Sep 3, 2016
  • Workshop “Naadam of Mongolians” for students and guests of the Humboldt-Universität, in Dominikowo, Poland, June 19 – 21, 2016
  • Mongolian Lunar New Year Festival for students and academic staff at the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, February 12, 2015


Final Thesis Supervised by Dr. Ganchimeg Altangerel (as Primary or Secondary Supervisor)  


Member of the Examination Committee in Ph.D. Dissertations