Beiträge Wintersemester 2015/16
20.10. Shumirai Nyota (Great Zimbabwe University) and Zvinashe Mamvura (University of Zimbabwe): “Lexicography and language raising: the case of Tshwao”
27.10. Viktoria Apel (HU Berlin) Dissertation: “Simplification and innovation in Serer: evidence from the study of information structure”
03.11. Kazuhiro Kawachi (National Defense Academy of Japan): “Information structure in Sidaama”
10.11. Tom Güldemann and Christfried Naumann (HU Berlin): “Grammatical relations in the West ǃXoon dialect of Taa”
17.11. Henok Wondimu (HU Berlin) Dissertation: “The additive particle of Gamo and its function”
24.11. Peggy Jacob (HU Berlin) Dissertation: “Predicate-centered focus in Sara-Bagirmi: focus constructions and their classification”
01.12. Sylvanus Job (HU Berlin) Master: “Predicate-centered focus types in Ik”
08.12. Nadine Grimm (HU Berlin) Ph.D. Defense: “A grammar of Gyeli”
15.12. Lee J. Pratchett (HU Berlin) Dissertation: “Dialect diversity in southeastern Ju varieties - a documentation of ǂKx’ao-ǁ’ae: On three-place predicates”
05.01. Tom Güldemann (HU Berlin) and Tjerk Hagemeijer (Universidade de Lisboa): “How to become a Macro-Sudan belt language: the Gulf-of-Guinea creole (GGC) case”
12.01. Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (Universität Kiel): “Typologizing restrictions on agreement: Agreement suspension in the languages of Africa and beyond”
19.01. Fatima Hamloui (ZAS Berlin): “Downstep in Bàsàa (Bantu A43)”
26.01. Gina Wallbach (HU Berlin) Master: "The Use of Sheng at St. Philip's Primary School in Mathare Valley Slum, Nairobi: Attitude versus Practice"
02.02. Emmanuelle Olivier (CNRS, Paris): “Religious poetry in Mali today: from filiation to creation” - working paper, not to be quoted without author's permission
09.02. Gudrun Miehe (HU Berlin, Prof. emer.): "Multiverb predicates in Cerma (Gur)"