Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

Prof. Dr. Diana Lange

Prof. Dr. Diana Lange
diana.lange (at)
Sitz                                   Invalidenstraße 118, 10115 Berlin,
                                        Raum 503

Telefon                              (030) 2093 – 66062

Sprechzeiten                      Nach Vereinbarung
Sekretariat:                       Herr Bidollah Aswar, sekretariat-zentralasien (at),




  • materielle und visuelle Kultur
  • Sammel- und Sammlungsgeschichte, Provenienzforschung
  • Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte
  • Entdeckungs- und Kolonialgeschichte, Dekolonialisierung
  • historische Kartographie und mapping Prozesse (Fokus Zentralasien und Ostasien)
  • interkultureller Austausch (innerhalb Asiens, zwischen Asien und Europa)
  • Transportgeschichte
  • Wirtschaftsethnologie
  • Islam und Muslime in Zentralasien




  • Zentralasien/Tibet und Himalaya (Feldforschungen seit 1999)
  • Indien/Westhimalaya (Feldforschungen seit 2014)
  • Ostasien (China, Korea, Japan)

Curriculum Vitae


ab 10/2022     

Vertretungsprofessorin Zentralasienstudien, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


seit 10/2021                      

Principal Investigator des Projektes Maps as Knowledge Resources and Mapmaking as Process: The Case of the Mapping of Tibet im Exzellenzcluster Understanding Written Artefacts am Centre for the Studies of Manuscript Cultures der Universität Hamburg



Gastwissenschaftlerin am Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, Projekt Colouring Maps in East Asia


09/10 2019   

Gastwissenschaftlerin am Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, Projekt Mapping China in the 18th Century: Hand-drawn Maps from the “Qing Atlas Tradition”



wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Museum am Rothenbaum (MARKK) Hamburg im BMBF-Verbundprojekt Kolorierte Landkarten (Universität Hamburg/Stiftung Hanseatisches Wirtschaftsarchiv/Museum am Rothenbaum)



Habilitation/HDR an der EPHE Paris, Habilitationsschrift Journey of Discovery: An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Lama


seit 11/2016  (bis 2022)                    

assoziierte Mitarbeiterin im ERC Project TIBARMY (The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas, 1642–1959), CNRS, Paris



Lehrbeauftragte am Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft der Universität Zürich



wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Forschungsstipendiatin der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung am Institut für Indologie und Zentralasien Studien, Universität Leipzig



wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Promotion in Zentralasienstudien, HU Berlin

Die Verkleinerung der Yakhautboote. Fischerkulturen in Zentral- und Südtibet im sozioökonomischen Wandel des modernen China. Betreuung durch Prof. Dr. Toni Huber (HU Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch (TU Berlin)



assoziierte Mitarbeiterin im VW-Projekt Ethnologie der Alltagstechniken Chinas, Technische Universität Berlin Leitung: Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch



Magisterstudium in Sinologie, Zentralasienwissenschaften und BWL an der Universität Leipzig und an der Tibet University, China

Magisterarbeit: Die Hui und der Einfluss des Islam in den tibetischen Siedlungsgebieten in einer historischen Perspektive.



Ausbildung und Tätigkeit als Bankkauffrau, Deutsche Bank AG Leipzig


Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt


Maps as Knowledge Resources and Mapmaking as Process: The Case of the Mapping of Tibet

Excellenzcluster Understanding Written Artefacts at the Centre for the Studies of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg





Knowledge, Science and Empires: The Mapping of Tibet in Europe and Asia

Konferenz Mapping Asia: Cartography and the Construction of Territoriality

Forschungskolleg Transkulturelle Studien/Sammlung Perthes/Universität Erfurt, Gotha, 24.–25.11. 2022


Putting Tibet on the Map: A Journey Through Different Mapping Practices

CrossAsia Talks, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 17.11.2022


Abstract signs on printed and manuscript maps of Tibet

Interdisciplinary panel Beyond the realm of natural language – Abstract sign systems in multigraphic written artefacts, Deutscher Orientalistentag, Berlin, 12.–17.9. 2022


Maps of Tibet as Knowledge Resources

16. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Prag, 3.–10.7.2022


Making maps of Tibet: Uncovering the knowledge of their production

Virtual Lunch Talk, gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn (BAM Berlin), Centre for the Studies of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg, 13.6.2022


Colours on East Asian Maps

International Conference for the History of Cartography, Bukarest, 4.–8.7.2022


Mapping (Un)Certain Knowledge. The Case of Tibet

KNIR Colloquium Mapping Uncertainty. Early Modern Global Cartography, 21st Century Discussions, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome, 11.–12.5.2022


Representation of Mt. Kailash on Tibetan, Chinese and European Maps

5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash, Universität Hamburg, 25.–27.2.2022


The Diverse Mapping of Tibetan Human Landscapes

International SEECHAC conference Kucha and Beyond: Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 2.–4. 10.2021


Talking about Colours on Maps: ‘Colour Systems’, ‘Colour Schemes’ and ‘Colour Codes’ (ONLINE)

Workshop Maps and Colours, 5.–6.11.2020


Blaue Berge, grüne Flüsse: Die Repräsentation physischer Geographie auf ostasiatischen Karten

Historisches Forum Erde-Natur-Wissen, Online-Konferenz, 12.–13.10.2020


A Pictorial Encyclopaedia of the Tibetan World: Reading Illustrated Mid-19th Century Maps of Tibet

Aris Lecture, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, 5.12.2019


Mapping Tibet: Ein tibetischer Lama zeichnet Karten für Major Hay

Völkerkundemuseum Zürich, 5.9.2019


Tracking down the secrets of colours: Asian maps from the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg seen with respect to colour analysis.

15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Chonbuk National University Jeonju, Korea, 19.–23.8.2019


Considerations about a Chinese ‘Map of the World’ at the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg

International Conference for the History of Cartography, Amsterdam, 14.–19.7.2019


Encounters in the Western Himalayas: Visualizing Tibet in the mid-19th Century

Keynote Speech, 15. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Paris, 7.–13.7.2019


Infrastructure and Power: the tazam station system along the zhunglam

  1. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Paris, 7.–13.7.2019


Reading Maps and Drawings: An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Lama

Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Copernicus University Torun, Polen, 13.5.2019


Mysterious Beings on a Wutaishan Map

Konferenz Current Himalayan Research: Gods, Ghosts, Demons and Other Beings, Będlewo/Polen, 15.–18.5.2019


Journey of Discovery: The “Tibet Collection” of Thomas Alexander Wise

The McManus Museum and Archives Dundee, 18.4.2019


The Presence of Qing Troops in Tibet as Represented in Different 19th Century Sources

Konferenz Military Culture in Tibet during the Ganden Phodrang Period (1642–1959): The Interaction between Tibetan and Other Asian Military Traditions, University of Oxford, Wolfson College, 18.6.2018


My Journey of Discovery in Tibetan Studies.

Konferenz Current Himalayan Research: My Himalayan Story, Będlewo/Polen, 11.–14.4.2018


Exploring Tibet in the mid-19th Century: The British Library’s Wise Collection

Royal Asiatic Society, London, 7.12.2017


Journey of Discovery. An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Monk.

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Uniserità Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venedig, 30.10.2017


The Presence of Qing Officials and Garrisons in mid-19th Century Tibet from a Visual Perspective.

TibArmy Monthly Seminar, TIBARMY, EPHE, La Sorbonne, Paris, 12.10.2017


A Hidden Atlas of the Himalayas made by a 19th Century Tibetan Monk: The Wise Collection.

Symposium Mapping Asia: Cartographic Encounters between East and West,

Leiden University, 15.–16.09.2017


Hidden and Unrecognized Knowledge on Tibet: The British Library’s Wise Collection

Royal Geographical Society – IBG Annual International Conference 2017: Decolonising Geographical Knowledge: Opening Geography out to the World, London, 29.8.–1.9.2017


One collection, many faces: When did the Wise Collection have its “historical moment”?

Workshop Object Lessons from Tibet and the Himalayas, University of Manchester, 9.6.2017


Wie Tibet nach Europa kam: ein tibetischer Mönch zeichnet für Major Hay

Universität Wien, Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde, 20.1.2017


A visual history of a hidden exploration of mid-19th century Tibet

Institutskolloquium, HU Berlin, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften,

Co-Vortrag mit Dr. Bi-Yu Chang (SOAS London), 12.1.2017



Journey of Discovery. An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Monk.

Rubin Museum, New York, 2.12.2016


An unrecognized pioneer of Tibetan Studies: the man who engaged a lama to draw and describe Tibet in the late 1850s

  1. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bergen/Norwegen, 19.–25.6.2016,


Knowledge, Science and the Empire: The Exploration and Visualization of Tibet, c. 1857

Workshop Colonial Sciences and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in South Asia, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 10.–11.6.2016


A “Road leading to Spiti from Demjok”: Considerations about the search for alternative routes between Tibet and Spiti in mid-19th Century

1st International Conference on Spiti: Recovering the Past & Exploring the Present,

University of Oxford, 6.–7.5.2016


Images as historical evidence: potentials and limits

Konferenz Current Himalayan Research: Challenges, Problems or Failures, Będlewo/Polen, 27.–30.4.2016


Mapping Tibet und Westafrika. Indigene Informanten, Kartographie und britischer

Imperialismus im 19. Jahrhundert

Institutskolloquium, HU Berlin, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften,

Co-Vortrag mit Dr. Silke Strickrodt (University of Birmingham), 23.11.2015


Mapping Tibet in mid-19th century: The British Library’s Wise Collection

26th International Conference on the History of Cartography, Universität Antwerpen, 12.–17.7.2015


Putting Tibet on the Map: A 19th Century Cartographic Depiction by a Local Artist

Maps and Society Lecture Series, Warburg Institute, London, 28.5.2015


Hidden Exploration on Tibet: The British Library’s Wise Collection

University of Oxford, Oriental Insitute, 27.5.2015


Knowledge, Science and Empires: the Exploration and Visualization of Tibet in Europe and Asia.

Konferenz Current Himalayan Research: Approaches, Methodologies, Results, Będlewo/Polen, 23.–25.4.2015


Tashilhunpo in the Nubra Valley: A preliminary report on the visual representation of cultural interactions between Tibet and Ladakh

Workshop Tibetan Borderlands, Palacky University, Olomouc/Tschechien, 28.2.2015


Die visuelle Repräsentation sino-tibetischer Beziehungen in der Wise Collection der British Library

Sinologie-Kolloquium, Ostasiatisches Institut, Universität Leipzig, 26.1.2015


“Spying out Tibet for the British Empire”: Die visuelle Repräsentation Tibets in der Wise Collection der British Library.

Ringvorlesung Kartographie zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft, Universität Jena, 19.1.2015


Tibet visualisiert: Bilder als historische Quellen

Universität Zürich, Kunsthistorisches Institut, 14.11.2014


The visual representation of 19th century Tibet: the British Library’s Wise Collection.

1st Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, Olomouc, Tschechien, 25.–27.9.2014


Visual Documentation of Regional Topography and Everyday Life in mid-19th Century Tibetan Cultural Areas: the British Library’s Wise Collection.

Centre for Community Knowledge, Ambedkar University Delhi, 4.8.2014


“Dundee and the World”: The Collection(s) of Thomas Alexander Wise (1802–1889).

Workshop (Mis-)Representing Cultures and Objects: Critical Approaches to Museological Collections, University of Stirling/UK, 16.5.2014


Trading routes and -activities in mid-19th century Tibet–represented in the Wise Collection.

Konferenz Commerce and Communities: Social status and the exchange of Goods in Tibetan Societies, Universität Bonn, 5.–6.5.2014


A Unique View from Within”: Mapping mid-19th Century Tibet by a Local Artist

International Conference Chinese and Asian Geographical and Cartographical Views on Central Asia and its Adjacent Regions, Universität Bonn, 10.–11.1.2014


Acquiring knowledge: The British Library’s Wise Collection.

  1. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Ulan Bator/Mongolei, 21.–27.7.2013


Spying out Tibet for the British Empire? Die Wise Collection der British Library.

Universität Leipzig, Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften, 19.6.2013


The significance of waterways for the pre-modern Tibetan transport system.

Workshop Waterspace, Empire and Mobility in Southeastern Asia, HU Berlin, 14.6.2013


“A unique view from within”: The visual representation of Tibet by a local artist in the middle of the 19th century.

Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, 17.5.2013


The visual representation of Ladakh and Zanskar in the British Library’s Wise Collection.

16th Conference of the International Association for Ladakh Studies,

Universität Heidelberg, 17.–20.4.2013


Maps and territories: Visual representation of Tibetan frontier areas along the Himalaya.

Conference The Himalayan Impasse, Universität Bonn, 28.–29.1.2013


The Revival of Local Handicraft as a Result of the Increasing Tourism in Central Tibet.

Workshop China in Motion: Migration, Place, and Identity, Penn State University, USA, 18.–19.11.2011


Transformation und Anpassung einer ökonomischen Nische an eine veränderte

Infrastruktur: Fischerei in Zentraltibet im Jahr 2009.

Österreichische Akademie der Sozialwissenschaften, Wien, 10.6.2010


Infrastructure Development and the Transformation of Everyday Life in Central

Tibet: The Case of the Yak Hide Boat.

  1. International Seminar for Young Tibetologists, Paris, 07.–11.9.2009


Tibetan Fishermen: Business in Confrontation with Religion.

1st International Seminar for Young Tibetologists, London, 9.–12.9.2007


Do all the Muslims of Tibet belong to the Hui? The Origin and Development of the Chinese Term Hui and the Equivalent Terms in the Tibetan Language.

Konferenz Islam & Tibet: Cultural Interactions, Warburg Institute, London, 16.–18.11.2006


The Tibetan skinboat: construction and adaptability to its functions and environment.

  1. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Universität Bonn,







  1. An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Lama: A Journey of Discovery. Leiden: Brill.


  1. Die Verkleinerung der Yakhautboote. Fischerkulturen in Zentral- und Südtibet im sozioökonomischen Wandel des modernen China.

Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz.




Maps and Colours: A Complex Relationship.

Diana Lange und Benjamin van der Linde (Hg.) In: Brill Series Mapping the Past. Manuskript eingereicht.


  1. Colours on East Asian Maps: Their Use and Materiality in China, Japan and Korea between mid-17th and early 20th Century.

Diana Lange and Oliver Hahn. Research Perspectives in Map History Series (Leiden: Brill). Im Druck.


  1. Crossing Boundaries. Tibetan Studies Unlimited.

Diana Lange, Jarmila Ptackova, Marion Wettstein und Mareike Wulff (Hg.). Prag: Academia.


Podcasts und Blogs


CSMC Blog, Hamburg

“Sheding Lights on Maps”


Brill Humanities Matter Podcast “A Journey of Discovery. Reading a 19th Century Illustrated Map of the Himalayas”


Historische Geographie – Aktuelle Forschung (Podcast der Universität Bamberg)

“Von kolorierten Landkarten, Entdeckungsreisen und dem Atlas of the Himalayas


  1. An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Lama: A Journey of Discovery.

In: British Library: Asian and African Studies Blog.


  1. The Wise Collection: Acquiring Knowledge on Tibet in the late 1850s.

British Library Asian and African Studies Blog. african/2016/07/the-wise-collection-acquiring-knowledge-on-tibet-in-the-late-1850s.html. 18. Juli 2016.


Journal Artikel und Beiträge in Büchern


Wise Collection (British Library).

In: Kain, Roger J.P. (Hg.) Cartography in the Nineteenth Century (Vol. 5, History of Cartography Series). The University of Chicago Press. Manuskript angenommen.


Colours and Readability in the Korean Daedongnyeojido: New Insights into a Map of Korea from the Nineteenth Century (Co-Autor Sang-hoon Jang)

In: Lange, Diana and Benjamin van der Linde (Hg.). Maps and Colours. A Complex Relationship.

In: Mapping the Past Series (Leiden: Brill). Manuskript eingereicht.


Mapping Qing Empire in Eighteenth Century: Hand-drawn Maps from the ‘Qing Atlas Tradition’ at the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg.

In manuscript cultures. Manuskript angenommen.


  1. Colour on Maps: Systems, Schemes, Codes.

In Imago Mundi 74 (1) S. 117–124.


  1. “My Karma Selected me to Become a Ferryman”: The Role of Waterways and Water Crafts in the Corvée Tax System in the pre-1959 Tibet.

In: Charles Ramble, Peter Schwieger and Alice Travers (Hg.) Taxation in Tibetan Societies: Rules, Practices and Discourses. Leiden: Brill, 182–191. Im Druck.


  1. A mid-19th Century Ethnographic Atlas of the Tibetan World: The British Library’s Wise Collection.

In: Anna Boroffka and Margit Kern. Early Modern “Cultural Encyclopaedias”: Defining a Genre and its Agency from a Transcultural Perspective. De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Im Druck.


  1. Landkarte Tianxia Yutu „Abbild des ganzen Territoriums unter dem Himmel“ / Map Tianxia Yutu „Depiction of the Entire Territory under the Heaven“. In: Maria-Katharina Lang und Rahel Wille (Hg.) Exhibition booklet Steppen & Seidenstraßen/ Steppe & Silk Road. MARKK Hamburg, S. 15–17.


  1. Ostasiatische Karten/East Asian Maps.

In: Kathrin Enzel, Oliver Hahn, Susanne Knödel und Jochen Schlüter (Hg.) Ausstellungskatalog Farbe trifft Landkarte/Colour meets map. Manuscript cultures No. 16, S. 289–368.


  1. Einführung – Farbe trifft Landkarte/Introduction: Colour meets map. (Co-Autor Benjamin van der Linde) In: Kathrin Enzel, Oliver Hahn, Susanne Knödel and Jochen Schlüter (Hg.) Ausstellungskatalog Farbe trifft Landkarte/Colour meets map. Manuscript cultures No. 16, Hamburg, S. 23–48.


  1. A Visual History of a Hidden Exploration of mid-19th Century Tibet: the British Library’s Wise Collection.

In: Annamaria Motrescu-Mayes (Hg.). De-Illustrating the History of the British Empire. Preliminary Perspectives. New York: Routledge Studies in Cultural History book series, S. 43–60.


  1. William Edmund Hay: The Pioneer of Tibetan Studies Who Sold his Fame.

In: Jeannine Bischoff, Petra Maurer und Charles Ramble (Hg.) On a Day of a Month of the Fire Bird Year. Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Liri: Lumbini, S. 523–536.


  1. A Visual Representation of the Qing Political and Military Presence in Mid-19th Tibet.

In: Revue d’Études Tibétaines, March 2020, S. 241–276.


  1. Thoughts on a Hand-painted Pictorial Map of Wutaishan at the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg.

In: Orientations, Vol. 51(1), S. 68–79.


  1. Visual Culture of Exploration: the Acquisition of Knowledge related to Trade in Tibet in the mid-19th Century.

In: Jeannine Bischoff and Alice Travers (Hg.) Commerce and Communities: Social Status and the Exchange of Goods in Tibetan Societies. Berlin: EB Verlag, S. 91–126.


  1. Reflections on Material and Visual Culture on a Trading Junction: the Minister’s Palace of Hunder. (Co-Autor Gerald Kozicz)

In: Orientations, Vol. 49(3), S. 52–60.


  1. Decoding mid-19th Century Maps of the Border Area between Western Tibet,

Ladakh and Spiti.

In: David Pritzker and Yannick Laurent (Hg.) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Spiti: Recovering the Past & Exploring the Present, Revue d’Études Tibétaines, No. 41, September 2017.


  1. “A Unique View from within”: The Representation of Tibetan Architecture in the British Library’s Wise Collection.

In: Orientations, Vol. 47(7), S. 18–25.


  1. Visual Representation of Ladakh and Zanskar in the British Library’s Wise Collection.

In: Robert Linrothe und Heinrich Poell (Hg.) Visible Heritage: Essays on the Art and Architecture of Greater Ladakh. New Delhi: Studio Orientala, S. 131–168.


  1. “The Boatman is more Beautiful than a God”. Poetising and Singing on the Rivers in Central and Southern Tibet.

In: Guntram Hazod und Olaf Czaja (Hg.) The Illuminating Mirror. Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Soerensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, S. 269–282.


  1. A Dundee’s Doctor’s Collection(s) on Tibet: Thomas Alexander Wise (1802–1889).

In: Charles Ramble and Ulrike Rösler (Hg.) Tibetan and Himalayan Healing. An Anthology for Anthony Aris. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications, S. 433–452.


  1. The government forced us to send the boat in the middle of the night”: Water

Transport in Pre-1959 Tibet.

In: John Bray, Alex McKay and Emilia Sulek (Hg.) Trade, Travel and the Tibetan Border Worlds. Essays in honour of Wim van Spengen (1949–2013). Tibet Journal Special Issue, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1, S. 73–91.


  1. Travel Destination: Tibet. Modernizing the Present and Concreting over the Past.

In: Sonderheft ASIEN, S. 100–114.


  1. “Local handicraft made by Tibetan village artisans”: Globale Einflüsse und ihre

Folgen für das lokale Handwerk in Zentraltibet.

In: Zentralasiatische Studien (ZAS), 41, Bonn, S. 89–106.


  1. Do all the Muslims of Tibet belong to the Hui?

In: Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett, and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim (Hg.) Islam and TibetInteractions along the Musk Routes. Farnham: Ashgate, S. 339–352.


  1. A Short History of Muslims and Islam in Central Tibet.

In: Orient IV. German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture in the Middle East. Berlin, S. 65–73.


  1. From Water Radish to Fish Restaurant: Recent Developments of Fisheries in Central Tibet.

In: AAS Working Papers in Social Anthropology, Vol. 18, S. 1–13.


  1. Fishery in Southern and Central Tibet: An Economic Niche is Going to Disappear.

In: Brandon Dotson, Kalsang Norbu Gurung, Georgios Halkias and Tim Myatt (Hg). Contemporary Visions in Tibetan Studies. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists, 2007. Chicago: Serindia Publications, S. 45–67.


  1. Das Ende der Yakhautboote? Überlegungen zum technischen Wandel bei den

Fischern in Zentraltibet.

In: Technikgeschichte (Themenheft Technik im chinesischen Alltag), Vol. 75 (2). Berlin: Edition Sigma, S. 183–197.


  1. Geschichte, Funktion und Konstruktion der Yakhaut-Boote in Zentral- und Südtibet.

In: Deimel, Claus (Hg.). Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen, Vol. XLIV. Berlin: VWB, S. 53–75.


  1. Die Hui und der Einfluß des Islam in Tibet.

In: Deimel, Claus (Hg.). Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen, Vol. XLIII. Berlin: LIT, S. 181–210.


Organisation von wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungen


Mapping Holy Sites: A Global Perspective (16./17.6.2023)

Workshop, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC), Universität Hamburg

in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Hanna Wimmer (Universität Hamburg)


The International Society for the History of the Map Symposium und Workshop (10.–14.07.2023)

Organisation und Durchführung am Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin, gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Jordana Dym (Skidmore College, USA) and Dr. Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CNRS Paris)


Typologies of East Asian Maps in a Global Perspective (2./3.12.2022)

Online-Workshop, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC), Universität Hamburg

in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CNRS Paris)


What is Materiality in Tibetan Studies? (07/2022)

Panel im Rahmen des 16. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Prag

in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Emma Martin (University of Manchester) und Prof. Dr. Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen)


Farbe trifft Landkarte/ Colour meets Map (08/2021–06/2022)

Kuration der Ausstellung im Rahmen des BMBF-Forschungsprojektes „Kolorierte Landkarten“, MARKK in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Benjamin van der Linde (Hanseatisches Wirtschaftsarchiv) und Dr. Peter Zietlow (Universität Hamburg)


Maps and Colours (5./6.11.2020)

International Workshop im MARKK und an der Universität Hamburg

in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Benjamin van der Linde (Hanseatisches Wirtschaftsarchiv)


A History of Transport in Tibet (07/2019)

Panel im Rahmen des 15. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Paris, in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Patrick Booz (Columbia University New York)


Tibet-Kolloquium (2005–2018)

Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der HU Berlin


Ausstellung “Wise Ways: Travels of a Dundee Doctor“ (2019)

Mitarbeit bei der Vorbereitung der Ausstellung über Thomas Alexander Wise

The McManus Museum and Archives Dundee


Object Lessons from Tibet & the Himalayas (06/2017)

Workshop an der University of Manchester in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Emma Martin (University of Manchester), Prof. Dr. Trine Brox und Dr. Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen (University of Copenhagen)


  1. Konferenz der International Association for Ladakh Studies (05/2017)

Konferenz in Będlewo/Polen, in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Rafal Beszterda (Torun University)


The Representation of Knowledge about Tibet and the Himalayas in Material and Visual Culture (06/2016)

Panel im Rahmen des 14. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bergen/ Norwegen in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Bríd Arthur (Ohio State University)


The Representation of Tibet and the Himalayas in Material and Visual Culture (09/2014)

Panel im Rahmen der 1st Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, Palacky University, Olomouc/Tschechien, in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Bríd Arthur (Ohio State University)


Visual Documentation of Regional Topography and Everyday Life in mid-19th Century Tibetan Cultural Areas: the British Library’s Wise Collection (08/2014)

Ausstellung und Workshop, LAMO (Ladakhi Art and Media Organization), Leh/Ladakh/Indien


Ethnography and Cartography as Modes of Representation of Tibet (07/2013)

Panel im Rahmen des 13. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Ulan Bator/ Mongolei


Material Culture, Fieldwork and Ethnographic Collections Reconsidered (08/2006)

Panel im Rahmen des 11. Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Universität Bonn