Department for South Asian Studies
News and Upcoming Events
Welcome to the website of the South Asian Studies Department at the IAAW! As the South Asia Seminar is currently being reorganized, this page is still under construction!
Upcoming BERSAS event
Academic Advising
The IAAW offers a Master's degree in Asian-African Studies, with the possibility to specialize in one region.
Dr. Sadia Bajwa is the academic advisor for South Asian Studies (MA and BA). Make an appointment here:
You can find more information about academic advising on the Academic Advising page.:
Staff Directory A-Z
Dr. Sadia Bajwa (Modern South Asian Studies, Student Advisory Service)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Delfs (deputy professorship)
Dr. Monika Freier (Hindi language training)
Birgit Hecht (Office of Prof. Schneider and Prof. Schmiedchen)
Dr. Arshi Javaid (Einstein Junior Fellow)
Dr. Faiza Muhammad Din (Urdu language training)
Prof. Dr. Annette Schmiedchen (DHARMA)
Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider (South Asian Societies and Cultures)
Vandana Sharma (Hindi Conversation)
Professorships and Working Areas
Research and Networks
- Research projects former Department of South Asian Studies
- Research projects working area South Asian Societies and Cultures (formerly GAMS)
- Berlin South Asia Studies (BERSAS)
- Publications former Department of South Asian Studies
- Publications working area South Asian Societies and Cultures (formerly GAMS)