Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Department of Asian and African Studies | Regional Departments | Central Asian Seminar | 19.05. Mongolia-Colloquium: „Mongolian revolution of 1921 through the prism of 1989: the politics of "historical and cultural heritage" in socialist and post-socialist Mongolia“

19.05. Mongolia-Colloquium: „Mongolian revolution of 1921 through the prism of 1989: the politics of "historical and cultural heritage" in socialist and post-socialist Mongolia“

Lecture on "Mongolian revolution of 1921 through the prism of 1989: the politics of 'historical and cultural heritage' in socialist and post-socialist Mongolia" as part of the Mongolia-Collquium by Dr. Irina Morozova (Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Universität Regensburg). All are welcome!

  • When May 19, 2021 from 06:15 to 08:00
  • Where via Zoom
  • iCal


Dr. Irina Morozova
(Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Universität Regensburg)


„Mongolian revolution of 1921 through the
prism of 1989: the politics of "historical and cultural heritage"
in socialist and post-socialist Mongolia“

Post-colonial discourse impacted Western-dominated approaches to socialist revolutions in Asia. Renaissance of vernacular responses to Western modernist ideas of progress marked the millennium turn in historiographies. In post-Cold War realities scholars referred to the revolutionary transformations in Mongolian steppes and mountains in the 1910-1920s, questing to rediscover independent Mongol state and “historical roots” of constitutional democracy. With this idea at the background, Mongolian historians accessed Soviet archives to rehabilitate Mongolian revolutionary heroes. Their Mongolian story of revolution started to have more political impact, also on Russian and Western historians. Based on Mongolian and Soviet archival sources, private collections, as well as oral testomonies, this research reveals the facinating history of political activism at the end 1980s-beginning 1990s in the Mongolian Republic. The author focuses on competing concepts of development and social transformation set up by Mongolian politicians and intellectuals in their quest to reinterpret historical past and recreate Mongolian culture.


Irina Morozova is a historian, working on Inner and Central Asia. Her recent research interests involve comparative history and transregional Asian studies, global history and East-West communication and cultural exchange and economic history of Central Asia. She conducted research and taught at the Universities and research institutes in Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Japan and Central Asian countries. Her most significant publications on the topic of the presentation include two monographs Socialist Revolutions in Asia: Social History of Mongolia in the Twentieth Century. (London and New York: Routledge, 2009); The Comintern and Revolution in Mongolia. (Cambridge: White Horse Press, 2002) and edited volume (in co-editorship with Boldbaatar, J.) The Legacies of Perestroika Discourses in Knowledge Production on Central Asia. (Ulaanbaatar: Ulaanbaatar University, 2013).


Wednesday, May 19th 2021
6pm c. t.
Zoom Meeting-ID: 625 4489 3981
Password: 443266


For the overview of all lectures of the Mongolia Colloquium click here.