09.02. Humboldt India Project Workshop
08.12. 39th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop
11.02. Verteidigung der Dissertation: Ramayana and Mahabharata in Stone: The Narrative Friezes of the Krsna Tempel at Patan, Nepal
28.11.: LECTURE SERIES: Contesting the State: Youth Activisms in Pakistan.
19.07: 13th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture
21.06: 12th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture
11th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture
26.04.: 29. HIP-Workshop Call for Presentations
CANCELLED: 11th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture
08.02.: 28. HIP-Workshop Call for Presentations
21.12.-22.12.2018: International Workshop India-GDR
07.12.: 27. HIP-Workshop Call for Presentations
29.11.: 10th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture
16.10.: Einführungsveranstaltung MA Moderne Süd- und Südostasienstudien
Einladung zur MA-Verteidigung: Transmigrasi -- Fortsetzung kolonialer Politik
01. Dezember: 24th HIP Workshop
22. September: Gastvortrag Prof. Iftikhar Dadi on ''Neorealism and Humanism in the Film: Jago Hua Savera (Pakistan 1959)''
Prof. Iftikhar Dadi History of Art and Visual Studies Cornell University
Urlaub Sekretariat SA
29. Juni: Gastvortrag Prof. Rana Behal on "Post-colonial Amritsar City. Memories of Working Class"
Prof. Dr. Rana Behal History Department University of Delhi
23. 06: 23rd HIP-Workshop
12. Mai: 22nd HIP Workshop
6th HIP Workshop - Programme
HIP brings together Berlin’s academic competence on South Asia
5th HIP Workshop - Programme
5th HIP Workshop 30th November 2012, 2:00-7:00 pm
3rd HIP-Workshop
You are cordially invited to participate in the 3rd Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 25th May, 2012. The workshop aims to provide a forum for exchange across institutional and disciplinary boundaries on topics related to South Asia. The 4th HIP Workshop is going to take place at the 29th of June.
Second HIP-Workshop on 27th of January 2012
Workshop for doctoral candidates from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin working on South Asia.
HIP Workshop
Workshop of the Humboldt India Project (HIP) www.hip.hu-berlin.de