Summary winter semester 2012/13
- 06.11. Falko Berthold (HU Berlin/MPI-EV A Leipzig)
Interrogative clauses in ǂHoan
(Dissertation) - 13.11. Linda Gerlach (HU Berlin/MPI-EV A Leipzig)
Phonological contact phenomena in ǂHoan and its neighboring languages
(Dissertation) - 20.11. Nadine Borchardt (HU Berlin)
The verbal system in Gyeli
(Dissertation) - 27.11. Paul Starzmann (HU Berlin)
Language History in Central Kenya from a Dialectological Perspective: The Extra-Linguistic Background
(Dissertation) - 27.11. Benedikt Winkhart (HU Berlin)
Die Sprachen der äquatorialen Pygmäenpopulationen des zentralen Kongobeckens
(BA) - 27.11. Peggy Jacob (HU Berlin)
Doubled verbs. Focus marking in Sara-Bagirmi