4.-6.11.2021 Diedrich Westermann-Workshop
Diedrich Westermann, West-central African linguistic history between Macro-Sudan Belt and Niger-Congo
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Professorship for African Languages, the Department of African Studies organizes the workshop
"West-central African linguistic history between Macro-Sudan Belt and Niger-Congo: commemorating Diedrich Westermann’s legacy and the 100th anniversary of the Berlin professorship for African languages".
Organisation: Prof. Tom Güldemann
Thursday, 4th November |
Friday, 5th November |
Saturday, 6th November |
Welcome and introduction |
1 Johanna Nichols and Frederik Hartmann “The greater Sahara in the historical linguistic geography of Africa” |
1 Henning Schreiber “Areality and borrowability: pronouns in the Macro-Sudan Belt” |
1 Tom Güldemann and Ines Fiedler “The history of Gender-number suffixes across Niger-Congo” |
2 Dmitry Idiatov, Guillaume Segerer and Mark Van de Velde “Areal patterns of noun/verb ratios in sub-Saharan Africa” |
2 Tom Güldemann “From differential grammatical treatment to gender: animacy-based noun classification in Central Africa” |
2 Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer “(Upper) Benue-Volta - the morphological evidence” |
3 Florian Lionnet and Nicholas R. Rolle “Phonological profile changes in the Macro-Sudan Belt: the antagonism between ATR and interior vowels” |
3 Jean-Pierre Donzo “Les implosives dans les langues du nord-ouest de la RD Congo Héritage ou diffusion due au contact” |
3 Harald Hammarström and Guillaume Segerer “Computational experiments in Adamawa sub-classification” |
4 Valentin Vydrin “Tonal density index in Mande and beyond” |
4 André Motingea Mangulu “Epenthetic l on vocalic affixes in some Inner Congo Basin languages: common innovation or contact-induced feature?” |
4 Jack Merrill “Cognate noun class markers between Northern Atlantic groups and Benue-Congo” |
5 Florian Lionnet “Areal alignment and the diversification of |
5 Didier Demolin “The languages of the Ituri forest Pygmies: contact and historical perspectives” |
5 Final discussion |
6 Jakob Lesage “Plural words in the Macro-Sudan Belt” |
6 Felix K. Ameka “Semantic convergence in the Lower Volta Basin (West Africa): a micro-area within the Macro-Sudanic Belt?” |
7 Karee Garvin, Katherine Russell and Hannah Sande “A typology of STAMP morphs in the Macro-Sudan Belt” |
7 Roland Kießling “Looking for areal features in the Grassfields / Bantoid region” |
8 Gregory Anderson “Towards a typology of auxiliary verb constructions, STAMP morphs and morphologically complex verb forms in Chadic languages” |
8 Jeff Good “Individual-level lexical variation in the Bantu homeland and its implications for the development of Benue-Congo” |
Italic = digital presentation