Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Supervised final theses

Master theses

MA co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, Konstruktion von Männlichkeiten durch Ulwaluko in Roman und Film by Jacqueline Kirschbaum.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, „Sprachliche Interventionen als Identitätspolitiken in Afro-deutscher Prosa-20 Jahre nach May“Ayim by Saskia Venueza Heischkel.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, “von den (Un)möglichkeiten, Trauma zu erzählen. Zur Kollektivität, Kontinuität und Vielschichtigkeit von Trauma in Léonora Mianos Trilogie Africaine“ by Friederike Risse.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Manja Stephan-Emmrich, “The Tanslocality of Materials in Berlin”, by Meike Seewald.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann. “The Space of Cinema in Burkina Faso: Case Study Ouagadougou: Institutions-Public-Filmmakers” by Lise Mercier.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann. “Transcontinental Mobility in the Afropolitan Novels Open City by Teju Cole and Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi” by Kerstin Christalle.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann. “Wat kyk jy)”-Eine Kritische Analyse gegenwärtiger Afrikaans Populärmusik in Südafrika“ by Franka Rißmann.

MA Co-Supervsion with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, “ Zur intermedialen Funktion von Landkarten im kolonialen afrika bezoggenen Abenteurroman anhand von Jules Vernes Cinq semaines en ballon (1863) und Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglaisvdan l’Afrique australe“ (1872) by Sebastian André Mangold.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr.  Boike Rehbein, “Female Genital Cutting: An Emic Perspective” by Milena Fusaro.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, „Zur semiotische und semantischen Transformation in den deutschsprachigen Hörspieladaptationen der Romane Beasts of No Nation von Uzodinma Iweala und Tail of the Blue Bird von Nii Ayikwe Parkes“ by Marlene Schneider.

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein, “Facing the Immigration: An Analysis of the Current Crisis in Italy.” (Global Studies) by Amedeo Biffignandi

MA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Lan Hornscheidt, (Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, HU Berlin- ZtG), „Normkritische Jugenbildung beg_leiten: Handlungsunfähigkeit entgegenwirken-antisdiskriminierend intervenieren durch Alltagshandlungen“ by Sannik Dehler.


Bachelor theses

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Göckce Yurdakul, “Black German Women’s Perspectives on Colorism in the Black German Community” by Hannah Abdullahi.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann. “Perfidious Warfare: Cinematic Depictions of Rape as a Weapon of War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo” by Andrea Magogi Förster.

BA Co-Supervised with Prof. Nadja-Christina Schneider. “The Situation of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and its Relevance for the German Media Discourse on the “Refugee Crisis” by Nora Laetitia Monzer.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider. “Performing Memory in Visual Arts: Pain as a Cultural Commodity” by Olajumoke Bolanle E. Adeyanju Omonga.

BA Co-Supervisor with Prof. Dr. Kerner, “Comme inna di Dance and we mash it up; Performing Gender in Dance Hall (Institut fuer Socialwissenschaften) by Cyrielle Tamby.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein, „Gewalt gegen Frauen und HIV in Südafrika Untersuchung eines Zusammenhangs“ by Franca Machicao Arano.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Ibrahima Ndiagne, (Asien und Afrika), Title: “A Conceptualisation of Gender in Zambia According to Ellen Banda-Aaku’s Novel, Patchwork 2011: Focusing on Thematic Discourses and Recurring Patterns (Asien und Afrika) by Sula Gustavus.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, “The Skin Bleaching Phenomenon in West Africa; To what extend do Advertising Photographs Perpetuate the hierarchy of Skin Colors” by Nico Kotteke.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, “Von Memory Books und Reiseberichten. Wie HIV und AIDS in der Literatur dargestellt werden“ by Pauline Damme.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, “Steven Cohens “Living Art”: über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Drag als Mittel der Kunst zur Subversion Weißer Männlichkeit im gesellschaftlichen Kontext Südafrikas“ by Lukas Heger.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, Asian and African Studies): „Globale Musik als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Veränderungsprozesse im Post-Apartheid Südafrika, am Beispiel des „World Music Festivals 2012“ in Kapstadt“ by Julia Wiredu.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann, “Becoming a Subject: Die HerausBildung eines race- und genderkritischen Bewusstseins in Chimamanda Adichies Americanah“ by Stefanie Reuter.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Nadja Christina Schneider, Performing Other (Hi)stories. The Asylum Monologues: How Can Political Theater make the Voices of Refugees Visible? by Janis Jirotka.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann. “schwarze identitätsverhandlungen im lyrischen werk von may ayim: black identity debates in the lyrical oeuvre of may ayim” by Jasmin Ursula Djitomao Anigo Badiane.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Susanne Gehrmann, “Literarische und Filmische Subjektivierung „Illegale Emigration“von Senegal Richtung Europa in Marie N’diayes Trois Femmes Puissantes und Moussa Tourés Spielfilm La Pirogue” by Marina Rella Diallo.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Baz Lecocq. “Female Genital Cutting: Postkoloniale Kontinuitäten von britische Interventionsstrategien“ by Alexandra Militz.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Monika Gomille, “Child Soldiers in Uganda: A Study of China Keitetsi’s Child Soldier: Fighting for my Life and Uzodinma Iweala’s Beasts of No Nation” by Newsha Natasha Beiza.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Monika Gomille, “Girl Child Education and Women’s Emancipation in Ugandan Literature: A Study of Rosemary Kyarimpa’s Short Stories” by Jana Dorothee Becker.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Monika Gomille. “Victimization and Trauma in Post/Neo- Apartheid South Africa: Focus on J.M. Coetzee´s Disgrace (1999) and Zakes Mda´s Madonna of Excelsior (2002)” by Demet Kilinc.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Monika Gomille, “Culture, Gender, and Race in Postcolonial African Drama: Focus on Ama Ata Aidoo´s The Dilemma of a Ghost (1964) and Guillaume Oyono-Mbia´s Three Suitors: One Husband (1968)” by Sibel Ozan.

BA Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Monika Gomille, “Theatre as Therapy: Psychodrama techniques of J. Moreno and Forum Theatre” by Augusto Boal by Lidiia Petkova.


On the Jury of the following Ph.D Defences

De Lotte Arndt. “Chantiers du devenir en des espaces contraints. Négociations postcoloniales dans les revues culturelles parisiennes portant sur l’Afrique, Romanistik”, Humboldt University Berlin.

Emile Notard. “Traversée des sens et trajectoire féministe dans l’oeuvre de Nicole Brossard de 1977 à´2007”. Humboldt University, Berlin.

Priscila Manjoh. “Representations and Renegotiation of the Nation in Anglophone Cameroonian Literature”. Humboldt University, Berlin.

Yusuf Baba Gar. “The Metamorphosis of Performance-. Oral Heritage and Media Transformation in Kanywood Video Films”. Humboldt University, Berlin.