Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies



  • "'Bourgeois Islam', Gulf Migration, and Post-national Sentiments"
    within the Central Asia Program on "'Bourgeois Islam', Prosperity Theology and Ethics in Muslim Eurasia" an der George Washington University (program here), 29th January, 2018.
  • "Business, self-branding, and making Dubai a 'Muslim place': Tajiks working in the Arab Emirates"
    within the 13th annual meeting of the German Association for the Study of Religions (DVRW) at the Philipps-Universität Marburg 13-16 September 2017, more information here
  • "Making Dubai a Muslim Place: Imagination, Work, and Piety"
    within the Joint Institutes Colloquium "Place and Space" at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, organized by Christoph Brumann, Hatem Elliesie, Tobias Holzlehner, Tabea Scharrer and Anita Schroven, 04 July 2017, 4:15 - 6 p.m.
  • "Frömmigkeit und Pelze: Zum Verhältnis von Arbeit, Religion und Zugehörigkeit im tadschikischen 'Dubai-Business'"
    within the social-anthropological colloquium "Care/work" at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin, organized by Birgitt Röttger-Rössler and Mechthild von Vacano, 23 May 2017, 6-8 p.m.
  • "Beyond the Authoritative Islamic Script: Hajj Stories of Mobile Tajik Muslims"
    within the colloquium "At the Centre of the World? A Spatial Approach to the Hajj Pilgrimage" organized by the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS), the Institute for Asian and African Studies (IAAW) and Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), 27 April 2017, Institute for Asian and African Studies
  • "Religion in the city: Making a place in this world"
    Academic dialog between Prof. Dr. Manja Stephan-Emmrich and Dr. Ayse Cavdar on religion and place making with the regional focus on Tadjikistan/Emirates and Turkey/Germany. Joint event between the research network Reconfigurations, the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies (ZIR), 17 January 2017, Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • "'I am Muslim, I am Tajik': Cosmopolitanism, multiple belonging, and 'homing desire' among Tajiks in the Arab Emirates"
    within the conference "Global Muslim Encounters: Homogenisation and Diversity across Time and Space", 9-10 December 2016, Cambridge
  • "Digital mediations: iPhones, Emotions and Piety in the Spatial Biographies of Tajik student travelers in Dubai"
    within the 5th International Crossroads Asia Conference “Area Studies’ Futures”, Panel “Mapping the Socio-Spatial Complexity of Human and Non-Human Interactions”, at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn (program here), 22nd-23rd September 2016.
  • “Dubai as ‘Best’ and ‘Worst Place’: Work and Piety in the Tajik Dubai fur coat business”
    within the Final Conference Fellow Year 2015/16, re:work, International Research Center “Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History”, Humbloldt-Universität zu Berlin,  (program here), 30th June - 1st July 2016
  • "Displaying a Progressive 'Dubai Islam': The Popularization of Reformist Muslim Lifestyles in Urban Tajikistan"
    within the International Conference "Trans-l Encounters: Religious Education and Islamic Popular Culture in Asia and the Middle East" at the Philipps-University Marburg, 26th -28th May 2016
  • "Promoting the common good: Muslim professionalism in translocal religious education networks. Case Studies from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan"
    within the conference "Mobile Muslim Professionals: Trans-Regional Connectedness and (Non-) State Cooperation in Asia and the Middle East" at Humboldt-University of Berlin, organisation: Claudia Derichs (Philipps-University Marburg), Manja Stephan-Emmrich (Humboldt-University of Berlin and Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies), Shirin Saeidi (Centre for Global Cooperation Research Duisburg), 15th April 2015, 11:30-12:15 a.m.
  • "Displaying Dubai's Cosmopolitanism(s): The Reform Projects of Tajiks Studying and Working in the Arab Emirates"
    within the Central Asia Program with the subject "Religion-Branding? Central Asia's Integration into the International Scene through Religion" an der George Washington University. 26th January 2016 11:30 a.m -13 p.m.
  • "'Mittelklasse'-Frömmigkeit und 'Dubai Boom’: Islamische Konsumkultur im urbanen Tadschikistan"
    (engl.: "'Middleclass'-piety and 'Dubai Boom': Islamic Consumer Culture in Urban Tajikistan"
    Lecture Series "Middle-Classness in Asia" of the Cross Section Mediality and Intermediality, Organization: Prof. Dr. Nadja Schneider. 18/06/2015
    4-6 p.m.
  • "Tracing ‘Translocality’ and the Pious Endeavours of Mobile Tajik Muslims in the Middle East"
    Intermediary Book Workshop: "Exploring Translocality: Methodological Reflections and Ethnographic Cases" at the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
    In the context of the VW-project Translocal Goods - Education, Work, and Commodities between Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, China, and the Arab Emirates", 7th-8th April 2015
  • "Die Forscherin als "Gelehrte", "Freundin" und "Ungläubige": Bekehrungsversuche im Feld als ethnografischen Daten lesen"
    (engl: "The Researcher as "Scholar", "Friend" and "Infidel": Reading Attempts to Convert as Ethnographic Data")
    Workshop “Methodische Probleme in der Erforschung religiöser Gegenwartskultur in Asien -  Berichte und Reflexionen aus der Forschungspraxis” (engl.: Methodic Problems in the Exploration of Religious Modern Culture in Asia - Reports and Reflections of Research Practice), Department for Japanology (Eberhard Karls University Tübingen), 19-20/02/2015
  • "Al-Azhar & Co.: Zur Sakralisierung  religiöser Ausbildungsorte in den Frömmigkeitsnarrativen tadschikischer Muslime"
    (engl.: "Al-Azhar & Co.: "The Sacralization of Religious Study Destinations in the Pious Narratives of Tadjik Muslims")
    Lecture Series "Sakralität und Mobilität in Südosteuropa und im Kaukasus II" (engl.: "Sacrality and Mobility in South East Europe and in the Caucasus II") by the Department for Caucasus Studies and the Institute for Slavic Studies (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena), Organisation: Prof. Dr. Thede Kahl and Dr. Tsypylma Darieva, 28/01/2015
  • "Zuhause ist anderswo: Religiöse Mobilität und translokale Frömmigkeit tadschikischer Islam-Studentinnen in der arabischen Welt"
    (engl: Home is elsewhere - Mobility and Translocal Piety of Female Tadjik Islam Students in the Arab World)
    within Weingartener Asiengespräche (engl: "Discussions about Asia in Weingarten" by the academy of the diocese of Rottenburg Stuttgart at Tagungshaus Weingarten, 14/11/2014
  • "Study to work, work to study - Tajik students' mobility and translocal networks in the Arab world and beyond"
    21st International DAVO-Kongress of Contemporary Research on the Middle East at the University of Cologne, 25/09/2014
  • "Transnationale Erziehungspraktiken tadschikischer Familien in der Migration: Eine intergenerationale Perspektive"
    (engl: "Transnational Educational Practices among Tajik Migrant Families: an Intergenerational Perspective")
    24th congress of the German Society for Studies in Education in the panel "Educational processes and transnational migration" by Prof. Dr. Christine Hunner-Kreisel (Vechta) and Prof. Dr. Anatoli Rakhochkine (Leipzig), 12/03/2014, 1 - 4 p.m. (Humboldt-University Berlin, Working group AG III 71; Dorotheenstraße 24, 1.101)
  • "'A Healthy Education for Tajikistan's Muslims!' State Attempts to Reform Tajikistan's Islamic Education Sector"
    Workshop "Rethinking Politics of Private Higher Education in the Middle East and Central Asia. Ethnographic and Social Sciences Perspectives" at the Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion", Martin-Luther-University Halle/Wittenberg, organization: Daniele Cantini, 15/11/2013
  • “Navigating ‘Translocal Pious Lives’:
    Tajik Students of Islam between Religious Ideals and Everyday Secular Realities”

    Seminar Series for the Global Culture Research Group at the Department of Anthropology & Sociology; University of Amsterdam, 14/06/2013
  • "'Islam ist die Lösung': Junge Muslime zwischen religiöser Erweckung, Unsicherheit und erhoffter Zukunft"
    (engl.: "'Islam is the Solution': Young Muslims between Religious Awakening, Uncertainty, and Desired Future")
    Public lecture series "Conflicts in the Present and Future" of the Center for Conflict Studies and the Seminar on Ecology and Safeguarding the Future (ISEM); Philipps-University Marburg, 27/05/2013
    And in the context of the lecture series "Youth and Upheaval in Asian and African countries" of the Institute of Asian and African Studies; Humboldt-University Berlin, 28/01/2013
  • "Islamische Bildung, Imaginationen und sakrales Kapital: Neue (Im)Mobilitäten junger Frauen in Tadschikistan"
    (engl.: "Islamic Education, Imagination and Sacral Capital: New (Im)mobilities of Young Women in Tajikistan)
    Presentation in the context of the lecture series "Religion and Mobilities" of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin, 09/01/2013
  • "Across Borders: Researching Translocal Livelihoods in-between Central Asia, Russia, China and the Middle East"
    Presentation with Dr. Philipp Schröder in the context of the international conference "Crossroads Asia - Figurations of Mobility" at Humboldt-University Berlin,
    22 - 24/11/2012
  • "Islam as 'Last Option'? Narrations on Uncertainty and the Muslim Self in Today's Tajikistan"
    Presentation in the context of the 12th conference "Uncertainty and Disquiet" of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Paris Quest Nanterre La Défense, 12/07/2012
  • "Islam as Lifestyle - Focus on Media and Consumerism"
    Comment in the context of the international conference  "New mobilities and evolving identities: Islam, Youth and Gender in South and Southeast Asia" of the cross-section Mediumship and Intermediality in Asian and African Societies (Institute of Asian and African Studies), the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, the Cluster of Excellence Normative Orders and the Goethe-University Frankfurt; 20 - 21/04/2012
  • "Islamische Bildung als Karriereoption? - Jugend und Islam in Tadschikistan"
    (engl.:"Islamic Education as Career Option? - Youth and Islam in Tajikistan")
    Presentation in the context of the anthropological colloquium "Islam in Asia and Africa" in Cologne, 24/01/2012
  • "Bleiben, Gehen, Zurückkommen: Islamische Bildung und transnationale Mobilität in Tadschikistan"
    (engl.: "Staying, Leaving, Returning: Islamic Education and Transnational Mobilities in Tajikistan")
    Presentation in the context of the advanced seminar of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich; 16/01/2012
  • "Wie erforscht man 'Islam' und 'Muslime'? - Eine kritische Reflexion akademischer Klassifizierungen aus ethnologischer Perspektive"
    (engl.: "How to Explore 'Islam' and 'Muslims'? - A Critical Reflection of Academic Classifications from an Anthropological Perspective")
    Presentation in the context of the public discussion event "Christian Occident - Islamic Orient: a Relationship of Misunderstandings?
    A cooperation between the Muslim Academy in Germany and the cross-section Islam in Asian and African societies at the Institutie of Asian and African Studies, 15/07/2011
  • "Muslim Youth in post-Soviet Central Asia - A 'Lost Generation'?"
    Presentation in the context of the lecture series "Muslim Identities in the post-Soviet Space" as well as the CAS Public Colloquium Summer Semester 2011: "Reflexive Area Studies: Disciplines, Methods and Areas Reconsidered", eurient e.V., Center for Area Studies Leipzig; 04/05/2011
  • "Young, Educated and Muslim: Islam and Identity among Tajikistan's New Economic Elite"
    Presentation in the context of the international symposium "Religious Dynamics in Central Asia: Islam in Focus", Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin; 15 -17/12/2010
  • "'Public Islam' in Tadschikistan: Zur Bedeutung der Moschee im städtischen Kontext"
    (engl.:"'Public Islam' in Tajikistan: The Role of the Mosque in an Urban Context")
    Presentation in the context of the 31st German Oriental Studies Conference at Marburg, 20 - 24/10/2010





  • Workshop: "Global Islam": Muslim Communities, and Ideas of Connectedness in the Modern and Contemporary World
    6th July 2017
    Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
    organised with Eileen Kane (Connecticut College)
    more information here
  • Conference "Mobile Muslim Professionals: Trans-regional Connectedness and (Non-State) Cooperation in Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East"
    14th -15th April 2016
    Humboldt-Universität of Berlin
    In cooperation with Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Philipps-Universität Marburg
    emerged publication in MAP (Middle East-Asia Project) Bulletin, Contemporary Patterns in Transregional Islam, Oct.-Dec. 2016:
    Manja Stephan-Emmrich, Claudia Derichs: Mobile Muslim professionals: transregional connectivities. (introductory essay)
    Patricia Sloan-White: Men of the Mosque and Market: The Case of Malaysia
    Aisalkyn Botoeva: Piety and Profession: Transnational Valuation Circuit of Private Halal Certifiers
    Mirjam Künkler: Training Women as Religious Professionals: Iran's Shiite Seminaries
  • Intermediary Book Workshop: "Exploring Translocality: Methodological Reflections and Ethnographic Cases"
    7th-8th April 2015
    American University of Central Asia in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
    In the context of the VW-project Translocal Goods - Education, Work, and Commodities between Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, China, and the Arab Emirates"
  • Summer School: "Society and Conflict in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan"
    04th -14th July 2013
    Summer School in Dushanbe, Tajikistan
    Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Workshop "Tracing Migration and Global Connectedness - Urban Contexts in Central Asia and Beyond"
    30th -31th May 2013
    Workshop for PhD-candidates at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin
  • Lecture Series "Religion und Mobilität" (engl.: "Religion and Mobilities")
    Winter semester 12/13
    Course for BA and MA students at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin
  • Lecture "Ethnologie des Islams" (engl.: "Anthropology of Islam")
    Summer semester 2012
    Course for MA students at the Institute of Asien and African Studies, Humboldt-University Belinn
  • Lecture Series "Beyond Oil and Radical Islam: From Classifications to Links of Economy and Religion in Central Asia"
    Winter semester 11/12 and Summer semester 12 (October 2011 - June 2012)
    In cooperation with the "Zentrum Moderner Orient" (ZMO) and the competence network Crossroads Asia
  • Scientific Colloquium "Gender und Islam: Säkulare und religiös begründete Geschlechterdiskurse in transregional vergleichender Perspektive"
    (engl.:"Gender and Islam: Secular and Religiously Justified Gender Discourses in Transregional Comparing Perspectives")
    08th - 09th December 2011
    In cooperation with the Transdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies and the cross-section Mediumship and Intermediality in Asian and African Societies at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin
  • Conference "Christliches Abendland - Islamisches Morgenland: Verhältnis der Missverständnisse?"
    (engl.: "Christian Occident - Islamic Orient: a Relationship of Misunderstandings?")
    15th July 2011
    In cooperation with the Muslim Academy in Germany
  • Symposium"Religious Dynamics in Central Asia: Islam in Focus"
    15th - 17th December 2010
    In cooperation with the Central Asian Seminar at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin