16.01 LECTURE SERIES: Saving the Indus River: Why Do Some Fight to Defend Rivers? – Ahsan Kamal
Ahsan Kamal, PhD, Lecturer, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad / Pakistan
- https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/de/region/suedostasien/seminar/transregional/aktuelles/copy4_of_28-11-contesting-the-state-youth-in-contemporary-subaltern-activisms
- 16.01 LECTURE SERIES: Saving the Indus River: Why Do Some Fight to Defend Rivers? – Ahsan Kamal
- 2020-01-16T12:00:00+01:00
- 2020-01-16T14:00:00+01:00
- Ahsan Kamal, PhD, Lecturer, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad / Pakistan
- Wann 16.01.2020 von 12:00 bis 14:00
- Wo Invalidenstrasse 118; R. 315
Contesting the State: Youth Activisms in Pakistan
Thursdays 12:00–14:00, Room 315
Institute for Asian and African Studies, Invalidenstraße 118, 10115 Berlin
Coordinated by Sadia Bajwa and PD Dr. Andrea Fleschenberg
16.01.2020 Saving the Indus River: Why Do Some Fight to Defend Rivers?
Ahsan Kamal, PhD, Lecturer, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad / Pakistan