Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Central Asian Seminar

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

There is no formal PhD course of Central Asian Studies, but doctoral candidates are free to participate in all courses offered at the Seminar. Credits are awarded only for attendance of such courses only if stipulated in the requirements of the students‘ respective mother discipline. Such requirements normally apply to students who have migrated from another discipline (Seiteneinsteiger).

As a general rule, candidates are required to present their work at the Doctoral Candidates‘ Colloquium, a fixture run by the Seminar,  within one semester. The colloquium serves as a platform to discuss work in progress.

For general information contact the office of promovation affairs (Frau Estermann). For an individual and technical consultation, you can contact the FachstudienberaterInnen of Central Asian Seminar.

Deanery of HU Berlin


A PhD thesis can be presented at the Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies. For further information visit the homepage of the Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies.