Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies



Previous Work Experience:

2015-2017 Serbian Academy of Arts and Science: Institute for Balkan Studies - Researcher.
2008-2012 Petnica Science Centre: Seminar for Social History - Assistant.



since 04/2017 Humboldt University of Berlin


Master Studies: Department of History, University of Belgrade

Bachelor Studies: Department of History, University of Belgrade



2018 German Historical Institute London - Scholarship Award.
2016 Prof. Radmila Milentijevic Award for Outstanding Research. Awarded for the book "Political Ideas of Young Bosnia".
2012 University of Belgrade Department of History Award for Best Student in Class 2008/2012 (2012).
2012 Dositeja Award for 100 Best Students in Serbia (2012).

City of Belgrade Library Award for Best Research about Belgrade (2008).