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Beiträge Sommersemester 2021
Beiträge Sommersemester 2021
- 27.04. Tom Güldemann (HU Berlin): “From differential grammatical treatment to gender: animacy-based noun classification in Central Africa and its typological significance’” (handout)
- 04.05. Daniel Auer (HU Berlin, Master project): “Verbs in ǂHuan (Taa)”
- 11.05. Oluwakayode Komolafe (HU Berlin & University of Ibadan): “The documentation of Ehueun, an endangered Edoid language of Nigeria”
- 18.05. Anja Schünke (HU Berlin, Master project): “Santandrea’s Aja corpus and a description of the nominal morphosyntax”
- 01.06. Jan Junglas (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “The semantics and morphology of transnumeral nouns within Northeastern Africa’s tripartite number marking languages”
- 08.06. Jenny Jaffe (MPI-EVA Leipzig) & Sebastian Nordhoff (LSP): “The documentation of the Kru language Oubi” (presentation, external link)
- 15.06. Christfried Naumann (HU Berlin) & Budzani Gabanamotse-Mogara & Dipogiso Molefhi (University of Botswana): "Revisiting the Setswana vowel system" (presentation/PDF, powerpoint)
- 22.06 Sylvanus Job (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Khoekhoe clause types and their corpus distribution”
- 29.06. Michael Schulze (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Finding cognates in ‘South Atlantic’” (handout)
- 06.07. Jakob Lesage (HU Berlin): “Community-based documentation of Kam (central-east Nigeria): Dealing with field work withdrawal” (presentation/PDF)
- 12.07. Julius Elstermann (HU Berlin, Master project): “Historical aspects of noun classification in Tula”