Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

01. Juli: 18th Workshop of the Humboldt India Project








Friday, 01th July 2016

2:00-7:00 pm




Department of South Asia Studies Institute of Asian and African Studies 

Invalidenstr. 118, Room: 217



--> Programme


2:15-3:15 pm                                                                                           Muhammad Ali Dinakhel, IAAW, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin/Govt. AKL Postgraduate College Matta, Swat, Pakistan:                                                     The Concept of Peace in Pashtunwali: A Pashtun Code of Life


3:15-4:15 pm                                                                                             Saikat Maitra, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen: The Production of Desire: Urbanity, Youth and Employment Training in Kolkata


4:15-4:45 pm Coffee/Tea Break


4:45-5:45 pm                                                                                             Tanja Bührer, Universität Bern: Transformations of Intercultural Diplomacy at the Court of the Nizam of Hyderabad, c. 1770-1815


5:45-6:45 pm                                                                                           Vishal Thakare, Berlin School of Economics Labour Processes, Caste identity and Urban Spaces in India


6:45 onwards Drinks and Snacks

Sarah Holz, Deptt of South Asia Studies, IAAW, Humboldt University Berlin.



--> Abstracts