African Linguistics Colloquium - Winter Semester 2024/25
Join us at the African Linguistics Colloquium for weekly talks on African linguistics, held Tuesdays from 16:15 to 17:45.
We are pleased to announce the schedule for this semester's African Linguistics Colloquium at Humboldt University. Talks will take place weekly on Tuesdays from 16:15 to 17:45 in room 410 of the IAAW (Invalidenstr. 118).
External participants can request a Zoom link from Jakob Lesage. Students attending the colloquium as part of their studies are expected to participate in person.
Guests are warmly invited to join!
22.10. Andrej Shluinsky (HU Berlin, DFG project): “Wordhood in Ghana-Togo Mountain languages, with a focus on Akebu and Adele”
29.10. Thomas Stolz (Universität Bremen): “Grammatical gender hardly ever emerges in language-contact situations”
05.11. Ines Fiedler (HU Berlin): “Is there a unique category of transnumeral nouns in Foodo (Guang)?”
12.11. Jakob Lesage (HU Berlin): “Four types of plural markers in Northern sub-Saharan Africa”
19.11. Henok Wondimu (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Cleft-like’ constructions in Gamo”
26.11. Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (University of Jerusalem): “Interaction and competition between borrowed and native discourse particles in Khoekhoe (Khoe-Kwadi)”
03.12. Tatiana Korol (HU Berlin, Ph.D.-Project): “An overview of AI tools for linguists: special focus on Automatic Speech Recognition”
10.12. Miguel Gutiérrez Maté (Universität Augsburg): “On the (contact-induced) restructuring continuum in the Romania Bantu”
17.12. Olga Olina (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “A comparative analysis of the Leipzig-Jakarta wordlist for Jirim, Chamba Daka and Kam languages”
07.01. Luka Anlauff (HU Berlin, Master project): “The historical reconstruction of Ndogoic (Ubangi)”
14.01. Markus Riedel (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Introducing Taa into primary education in Botswana”
21.01. None
28.01. Benedikt Winkhart (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “The description of Limassa”
04.02. Jan Junglas (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Number marking in the Kuliak language group”
11.02. Adrian Krause (HU Berlin, Master project): “Multi Verb Constructions in Naija (Nigerian Pidgin)“
We look forward to seeing you there!
Tom Güldemann and Jakob Lesage