Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

Afrikakolloquium WS 2020/21




Sakina Johow (Survival International)
"The myth of fortress conservation"

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Dr. Gilbert Ndi Shang (University of Bayreuth)
"The tropicality of being: inter-textual readings of African and Latin American literatures"

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Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke (University of Bayreuth)
"Shared secrets: Swahili poetry and changing worlds in the Western Indian Ocean"


Prof. Dr. Anne Griffiths (Professor Emeritus, Edinburgh Law School)
"Law, Space and Power: Dealing with Land in Botswana"


Prof. Dr. Ed Wilmsen (Professor Emeritus, University of Texas-Austin)
"Pots, people, places: some social dialectics of pottery and tenurial relations to land in Iron Age Botswana"


Margot Luyckfasseel (University of Ghent)
"'The Fox takes his food in the village': folkloric music, wit and ownership in Kinshasa"

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Delphine Froment (École Normale Supérieure Paris)
"The Kilimanjaro, a German mountain? Discourses and practices of imperialism in the German colonial period"

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