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Beiträge Sommersemester 2017
- 02.05.2017 Ines Fiedler (HU Berlin): “Information structure and the verb system of Oti-Volta languages”
- 09.05. Guillaume Segerer (LLACAN Paris): “Reflex, or what to do with one million African words?”
- 16.05. Ulrike Nüsslein (Universität Erfurt): „Numerusmarkierung im Julut (Katlaic)”
- 23.05. Daniel Auer (HU Berlin, Bachelor project): „Die Analyse des Nǁng-Idiolekts von Kaiki aus Roidam“
- 30.05. Sarah Huber (HU Berlin, MA project): “The Indri language as documented by Santandrea”
- 06.06. Miguel Gutiérrez Maté (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): “The role of Kikongo in the creation of focus marking strategies in Palenquero Creole”
- 130.6. Peggy Jacob (HU Berlin, Ph.D. Verteidigung): “Information structure in Sara‐Bagirmi”
- 20.06. Henok Wondimu (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Definiteness and case marking in Gamo”
- 27.06. Sylvanus Job (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Number and Gender Resolution in Khoekhoegowab Conjunctive Noun Phrases”
- 04.07. Christfried Naumann (HU Berlin): “Acoustic features for the distinction of plain stops in West !Xoon”
- 18.07. Edwin Muna (University of Nairobi & HU Berlin, Master project): tba