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Beiträge Sommersemester 2022
Beiträge Sommersemester 2022
- 26.04.2022 Ulrike Nüsslein (HU Berlin): “Emergence or loss in Katlaic number marking systems?” (Presentation)
- 03.05.2022 Koen Bostoen (Univerity of Ghent): “Erratic velars in West-Coastal Bantu: Explaining irregular sound change in Central Africa” (Presentation)
- 10.05. Jan Junglas (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): "The R(eplacement) pattern within Northeastern Africa's tripartite number systems"
- 17.05. Zvinashe Mamvura (HU Berlin & University of Zimbabwe, Harare): “The semantic and morpho-syntactic aspects of Shona surnames”
- 24.05. Jesús Olguín Martínez (University of California, Santa Barbara): “‘At the time....’: Attributive temporal clauses in African languages and beyond”
- 31.05. Sylvanus Job (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Aspects of Grammatical relations in Khoekhoegowab: From Argument-marking to Word Order”
- 07.06. Michael Schulze (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Fossilized class affixes in the Mel languages”
- 21.06. Benedikt Winkhart (HU Berlin, Ph.D. project): “Adverbs in Limassa - an overview”
- 28.06. Wakweya Olani Gobena (University of Potsdam, Ph.D. project): “The verb k’ab- in Oromo”
- 05.07. Julius Elstermann (HU Berlin): "*ki, *ka, und *ku im Proto-Tula-Waja"
- 12.07. Adams Bodomo (Universität Wien): "Africans in Europe: diaspora linguistics and socio-cultural development in the context of 21st Century Africa–Europe relations"