03.05.2023 BCCN Roundtable: "China‘s climate fight in the context of rising global tensions"
- https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/de/region/ostasien/aktuelles/aktuelle-termine/03-05-2023-bccn-roundtable-china-s-climate-fight-in-the-context-of-rising-global-tensions
- 03.05.2023 BCCN Roundtable: "China‘s climate fight in the context of rising global tensions"
- 2023-05-03T14:30:00+02:00
- 2023-05-03T16:00:00+02:00
- Wann 03.05.2023 von 14:30 bis 16:00
- Wo Online on Webex
- Name des Kontakts Sarah Eaton
Please join our next BCCN roundtable to discuss China‘s climate fight in the context of rising global tensions. Roundtable participants will be:
Denise Van der Kamp (Oxford University),
Deborah Seligsohn (Villanova University),
Kai Wegrich (Hertie School) and
Genia Kostka (Freie Universität Berlin).
Wednesday 3 May 2023, 14:30 –16:00 (CEST)
Online on Webex. Please register here:
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