Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften | Fach⧿Gebiete | Ostasien | Aktuelles | Aktuelle Termine | 03.05.2023 BCCN Talk: "Beijing's Banking Balloon: China's Core Economic Challenge in the New Era"

03.05.2023 BCCN Talk: "Beijing's Banking Balloon: China's Core Economic Challenge in the New Era"

  • Wann 03.05.2023 von 12:00 bis 14:00
  • Wo Seminar für Ostasienstudien; Johannisstraße 10; 10117 Berlin; Room 301
  • Name des Kontakts
  • iCal


You are cordially invited to participate in the BCCN Talk:


Beijing's Banking Balloon: China's Core Economic Challenge in the New Era


Speaker: Adam Yao Liu (National University of Singapore)


The event will take place in room 301 of the Seminar for East Asian Studies.


Adam Yao Liu is an Assistant Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He is a political scientist trained at Stanford University, though he doesn't believe in disciplinary and methodological boundaries. He studies Chinese politics and political economy. His dissertation, "Building Markets within Authoritarian Institutions: The Political Economy of Banking Development in China," won the 2020 BRICS Economic Research Award. 


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