Dr. Friederike Assandri
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- Name
- Dr. Friederike Assandri
- friederike.assandri (at) hu-berlin.de
Visiting professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Institute for Asia and Africa Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, October 2014 – October 2015.
Research Associate, East Asia Center, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Research Associate, Center for the Study of Chinese Characters (Hanzi yanjiu zhongxin) ECNU, Shanghai, China.
- Since 2008 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Daoist Studies
- Since 2007 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Chinese Philosophy.
- Since 2006 Research Associate of the Centre for the Study of Chinese Characters at East China Normal University, Shanghai.
- Since 2002 Research Associate University of Heidelberg
Education and degrees:
- 2002 Ph.D. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.
Advisor: Prof. Rudolf G. Wagner
Die Debatten zwischen Daoisten und Buddhisten in der frühen Tang-Zeit und die Chongxuan-Lehre des Daoismus. (The Debates between Daoists and Buddhists in the Early Tang and the Chongxuan Teaching of Daoism.
Dissertation, Heidelberg 2002. UMI, Microfilms, No. 3111333, University of Michigan, 2004.
- 1992 M. A., Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. R. G. Wagner, Prof. S. Weigelin-Schwiedrzig, Prof. Dr. G. D. Sontheimer)
Thesis: Die Einsiedlergedichte Yongming Yanshous. (Eremitic Poetry of Yongming Yanshou).
- 1989 - 1992 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg: Classical Sinology (major), Modern Sinology (minor), Indology (minor).
- 1986 – 1988 University of Nanjing (Nanjing daxue), PRC: Philosophy. Grant from the German Academic Exchange Organisation (DAAD).
- 1984 – 1986 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg: Undergraduate Studies: Classical Sinology (major), modern Sinology (minor), Philosophy (minor).
- 10. 2014 – 3.2015 Visiting professor (Vertretungsprofessur), Sinology, IAAW, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- 2014 Lehrauftrag at China Center TU, Berlin, Department of East Asian Studies, HU Berlin, and Center for East Asian Studies, University of Heidelberg.
- 2008-2009 Adjunct professor, Chinese Philosophy and Religion, CIEE, Shanghai.
- 2006- 2010 Researcher, research project “Six Dynasties Religion and Society in the mirror of epigraphic documents.” Centre for the Study of Chinese Characters, ECNU, Shanghai.
- 2006- present Referee for Journal of Chinese Philosophy (Hawaii), Frontiers of Philosophy in China (Beijing), Journal of Daoist Studies (Florida).
- 2002-2003 Design of a course on intercultural management for IBM Italy s.r.l., Human Capital Management
- 1996-1999 Research and interviews on problems in intercultural cooperation in preparation for a course on Intercultural Management at Siemens China Ltd.
- Dispute zwischen Daoisten und Buddhisten im Fo Dao lunheng des Daoxuan (596–667). Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag. Forthcoming 2014.
- Beyond the Daode jing: Twofold Mystery Philosophy in Tang Daoism. Magdalena: Three Pines Press. 2009.
Dominic Steavu, in Asiatische Studien: Zeischrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft LXVI. 2. 2012: 488-495.
Russel Kirkland, in: Religious Studies Review 38.3 (Sept. 2012): 193.
Florian C. Reiter, in: Journal of Chinese Religions 39 (2011): 95-97.
- From Early Tang Court Debates to China’s Peaceful Rise. ICAS Proceedings series. F. Assandri & Dora Martins, ed., Amsterdam: AUP. 2009.
- Mystery and Secrecy in the Contacts of Buddhism and Daoism in Early Medieval China. In: Religious Secrecy as Contact:Secrets as Promoters of Religious Dynamics, edited by A. Akasoy, L. Di Giacinto, G. Halkias, A. Müller-Lee, P. Reichling, K.M. Stünkel. Leiden: BRILL, KHK Series. Forthcoming (invited, handed to the editors)
- Yinming logic and Dialogue in the Contact-Zone. Forthcoming in Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Anniversary Edition. (invited, handed to the editor)
- The mind and Dao in Daoist Twofold Mystery Teaching.
In: Chan Buddhism- Dunhuang and Beyond: Texts, Manuscripts, and Contexts, ed. by Christoph Anderl and Christian Wittern. Forthcoming. (invited, handed to the editor)
Review: Andreas H. Pries, Laetitia Martzolff, Robert Langer, Claus Ambos (Ed.): Rituale als Ausdruck von Kulturkontakt. „Synkretismus“ zwischen Negation und Neudefinition. Akten der interdisziplinären Tagung des Sonderforschungsbereiches „Ritualdynamik“ in Heidelberg,
3.–5. Dezember 2010. Wiebaden: Harrassowitz. 2013. forthcoming in Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft ASIA 68.3 2014.
Review: Barbara Schuler, ed.: Stifter und Mäzene und ihre Rolle in der Religion. Von Königen, Mönchen, Vordenkern und Laien in Indien, China und anderen Kulturen.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2013. Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft ASIA 68.3, 2014: .
“Tao Hongjing”. Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, 4 vols. Great Barrington (MA): Berkshire Publishing. 2014: 384-394.
- Examples of Buddho-Daoist Interaction: Afterlife Conceptions in Early Medieval Epigraphic Sources. In: The e-Journal of East and Central Asian Religions No. 1, Dec. 2013, 1-38.
- Impermanence and Immortality: The pañca-skandha concept in Buddhism and in Twofold Mystery Daoism. In: Brahman and Dao: Comparative Studies of Indian and Chinese Philosophy and Religion, edited by Ithamar Theodor and Yao Zhihua. Lexington Books (Studies in Comparative Philosophy and Religion Series). 2013: 53-65.
- „Daoism“. Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, ed. by Anne Runehov and Lluis Oviedo. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. 2013: 577-584.
- Diebstahl von geistigem Eigentum im frühen mittelalterlichen China?
In: Lena Henningsen und Martin Hoffmann, Hrsg. Tradition, Variation, Plagiat. Tagungsband DVCS, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2012: 243-258.
- Review of Ziporyn, Brook. Zhuangzi: The Essential Writings With Selections from Traditional Commentaries. Hackett Publishing Company, 2009. Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 39.1, 2012: 157-160.
- Review of Jülch, Thomas: Der Orden des Sima Chengzhen und des Wang Ziqiao. Muenchen: Utz Verlag. 2011. Asiatische Studien: Zeischrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft LXVI. 2. 2012: 498-504.
- Entries in Chronik der Heiligen Schriften. Gütersloh und München: Wissen Media Verlag (Bertelsmann). 2011:
Chronik der taoistischen Schriften 252-253.
Philosophie, Alchemie, Literatur: Der Daoistische Kanon, 254-257
Die Drei Hoehlen: Kernschriften des Daoismus, 258-261.
Sonderthema: Die Lingbao Schule, 262-263.
Die unterstuetzenden Sektionen, Liturgie der Himmelsmeister, 264-267.
Ching und Fu-Lu: Zum Verhaeltniss von Schriften, Amuleten und Registern, 268-272.
Sonderthema: Yin und Yang, 38-39.
Die Drei Reinen: An der Spitze des taoistischen Pantheons, 68-71.
- Yijing and Chongxuanxue in an Onto-Hermeneutic Perspective. In: "Interpreting the Yijing: Harmony and Hermeneutics" Special Issue of the Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 No. 3. August 2011: 401-415.
- Review of Jülch, Thomas: Die apologetischen Schrifen des buddhistischen ang-Moenchs Falin. Muenchen: Utz Verlag. 2011. Asiatische Studien: Zeischrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft AS/EA LXV. 4. 2011: 1023–1028.
- Friederike Assandri and Wang Ping: Multiple souls and destinations: Early Medieval After-life Conceptions in the Mirror of Six Dynasties’ Stone Inscriptions. In 韓國漢字硏究 第三輯 (Jan. 2011): 113-185. Kyungsung University, Korea.
- Early Medieval Daoist texts: Strategies of Reading and Fusion of Horizons. Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 37 No. 3, Sept. 2010: 381-396.
- Introduction: Daoism and Hermeneutics. Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 37 No. 3, Sept. 2010: 341-345.
- Review of James M. Hargett. Stairway to Heaven: A Journey to the Summit of Mount Emei. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Shanghai Branch, inaugural volume, July 2010.
- Onto-Hermeneutics, Chongxuan xue and the Yijing. In 韓國漢字硏究 第二輯 (2010.06.): 139-176. Kyungsung University, Korea.
- Inter-religious debate at the court of the early Tang. An introduction to Daoxuan's Ji gujin Fo Dao lunheng (T 2104). In: From Early Tang Court Debates to China’s Peaceful Rise, ed. by Friederike Assandri and Dora Martins. ICAS Proceedings Series. Amsterdam: AUP. 2009.
- Review of Volker Olles. Der Berg des Lao Zi in der Provinz Sichuan und die 24 Diözesen der daoistischen Religion. Volker Olles. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Journal of Chinese Religion 37 (2009): 124-126.
- Laozi’s Eclipse and Comeback: The Narrative Frame of the Benji jing. In: Journal of Daoist Studies 1. 2008: 1-27.
- Review of James M. Hargett. Stairway to Heaven: A Journey to the Summit of Mount Emei. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 37 (2007), 238-241.
- Die Kritik der Buddhisten an der daoistischen These ‚das DAO ist Ursprung allen Seins’. Implikationen, methodische Ansätze und Schwierigkeiten in den Debatten zwischen Buddhisten und Daoisten am Kaiserhof der frühen Tang. (The Buddhist Criticism of the Daoist Thesis that the Dao is the Origin of all Being: Implications, Methodological Approaches and Difficulties in the Debates between Buddhists and Daoists at the Imperial Court of the Early Tang) In: H. Roetz ed.: Kritik im alten und modernen China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006: 114-130.
- Understanding double mystery: Daoism in Early Tang as mirrored in the FDLH (T 2104) and Chongxuan xue. In: Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32:3 (September 2005): 427-440.
- Die Debatten zwischen Daoisten und Buddhisten in der frühen Tang-Zeit und die Chongxuan-Lehre des Daoismus. Dissertation, Heidelberg 2002. Proquest, UMI, Microfilms, No. 3111333. University of Michigan, 2004.
- Dynastic change and Reorientation of Religion – the Rise of the Tang and Daoism. In: Measuring Historical Heat. Event, Performance and Impact in China and the West. Symposium in Honour of Rudolf G. Wagner on his 60th Birthday. Heidelberg, November 3rd-4th, 2001; 79-93. PDF file: www.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/conf/symposium.pdf.