Dr. Kimiko Suda
- Name
- Dr. Kimiko Suda
- Sitz
- Johannisstr. 10, Raum 404
- Telefon
- (030) 2093-66930
- Vertretung der Professur von Sarah Eaton im Lehrbereich Transregionale Chinastudien
- Terminvereinbarung per E-Mail
Kimiko Suda is guest professor at the Institute for Asian and African Studies at the Humboldt-University of Berlin. She works with a transnational sociological and historical perspective that focuses on how knowledge/discourse production, social practices and political, economic and cultural structures relate to each other. Her research interests include Sinophone and East Asian diasporic perspectives on migration, (post)migrants´ agency and social change, queer-feminist cultural representation and self-organization, (decolonial) public memory cultures, and anti-Asian/institutional/structural racism.
Before joining Humboldt-University in October 2024, she worked as postdoc in research projects on racism in Germany at the Technical University Berlin (11/2022 – 09/2024, funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior), at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)(09/2021 – 10/2022, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior citizens, Women and Youth) and at Humboldt-University of Berlin (08/2020-12/2020, funded by the Berlin University Alliance). The research results were later used for policy advice and political education.
She holds a doctorate degree in Chinese Studies from the Free University Berlin. The empirical research for her dissertation on the subject of highly educated internal migrants and social inequality in Guangzhou was part of the DFG-priority program 1233 Megacities – Megachallenge, Informal Dynamics of Global Change. From 2011 to 2014 she worked as research associate at the Institute of Sinology/China Studies at Free University Berlin.
Outside of academia she worked as a team member of Media Empowerment for German Asians (MEGA, a project of korientation e.V.) in 2020/2021 and has co-directed (alongside Dr. Sun-ju Choi) Berlin´s Asian Film Festival from 2011 to 2017. From 2008 to 2010, following her master studies in Chinese studies and sociology at the Free University Berlin and the Beijing Film Academy, she was a project manager in Beijing with the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.
- Suda, K. (2021). Das Phänomen ‚Yizu‘. Migrantische Hochschulabsolvent*innen als Chinas Wendepunktgeneration? Eine ethnografische und wissenssoziologische Fallstudie. transcript (since 2024 open access version).
- Suda, K. (2013). Chinese Lala Organizing. Identität und Repräsentation lesbischer Frauen in Beijing, LIT.
Book chapters
- Suda, K. & Haustein, L. [forthcoming]: Rassistisches Wissen im Kontext von institutionellem Rassismus: Beispiele aus einem Berliner Jobcenter. In G. Pickel & M. Middell (Eds.), Institutionen und Rassismus. Beltz Juventa.
- Suda, K., Schindler, S., Kim, J. (2021). Emerging Asian Germany. Zur Notwendigkeit und den Grenzen der Selbstrepräsentation von Asiatischen Deutschen. In K.N. Ha (Ed.), Asiatische Deutsche Extended. Vietnamesische Diaspora and Beyond (pp. 352-363). Assoziation A.
- Suda, K. (2019). Up or Stuck on the Social Ladder? Highly Educated Rural-to-Urban Migrants’ Claim to Social Mobility and Urban Space. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, et al. (Eds.), Megacities - Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change. Insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Pearl River Delta, China (pp. 85-86). Borntraeger.
- Suda, K. (2017). Urban welfare and social justice: individual perspectives of highly-educated rural-to urban migrants in the city of Guangzhou. In B. Carrillo, J. Hood, P. Kadetz (Eds.), Handbook of Welfare in China (pp. 223-251). Edward Elgar.
- Suda, K. & Choi, S. (2012). Asian Film Festival Berlin. ‛Imagine(d) Kinships and Communities’. In K.N. Ha (Ed.), Asiatische Deutsche. Vietnamesische Diaspora and Beyond (pp. 246-257). Assoziation A.
- Suda, K. & Kaynar, E. (2002). Aspekte migrantischer Selbstorganisation in Deutschland. In L. Bratić (Ed.), Landschaften der Tat. Vermessung, Transformationen und Ambivalenzen des Antirassismus in Europa (pp. 167-187). Sozaktiv Verlag,
Peer-reviewed articles
- Suda, K. & Köhler, J. (2023). Counter-Frames Against Anti-Asian Racism During the Corona Pandemic in Berlin – Coping with Exclusion, Creating Belonging and Organising Resistance. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 0 (0). https://doi.org/10.1177/18681026231161373
- Suda, K. & Frölich, H. (2022). Wie umgehen mit Karl Fischers privatem Nachlass aus der Kolonialzeit? – Herausforderungen einer interdisziplinären Ausstellungspraxis, Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society, 54, 161-176.
- Gransow, B. & Suda, K (2021). Selektive Wissenschaftskooperation? Erfahrungen in einem deutsch-chinesischen Verbundprojekt zum Thema „Megastadt-Entwicklung“. Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society, 53, 86-95 (Chinese version 选择性的科学合作?德中联合项目“巨型城市发展”课题的一些经验).
- Suda, K., Mayer, S.J., Nguyen, C.G. (2020). Anti-asiatischer Rassismus in Deutschland. In Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Ed.), Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. (Anti-)Rassismus, 42-44, 39-44.
- Bork-Hüffner, T., Etzold, B., Gransow, B., Tomba, L., Sterly, H., Suda, K., Kraas, F., Flock, R. (2014). Agency and the Making of Transient Urban Spaces: Examples of Migrants in the City in the Pearl River Delta, China, and Dhaka, Bangladesh, Population Space and Place, 22, 128–145. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.1890
- Suda, K. (2014). A Room of One's Own: Highly Educated Migrants' Strategies for Creating a Home in Guangzhou. Population Space and Place, 22, 146–157. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.1898.
- Suda, K. (2012). Yizu – ‛Das Ameisenvolk’. Zur urbanen Informalität und sozialen Mobilität von Hochschulabsolventen in prekären Lebensverhältnissen, Das Argument, 296/1-2, 167-179.
- Suda, K. (2012). Introduction to Lu Huilin: Migrant workers in the process of Urbanization. Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society, 41, 90-91.
- Suda, K. (2012). Ann Hui’s All About Love: New Perspectives on Gender, Kinship and Sexualities in Hong Kong. Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society, 40, 100-110.
- Suda, K. (2011). Frauen-NGOs als einflussreiche Akteure in der chinesischen Zivilgesellschaft – Von individueller Beratung und Ermächtigung zur Förderung von kollektiven Bürgerrechten und sozialer Gerechtigkeit in der VR China. Berliner China-Hefte -Chinese History and Society, 39, 120-134.
- Suda, K. (2008). Die ‛Lala Community’ in Beijing im Sommer 2008 – Zur Selbstorganisierung lesbischer Frauen in der VR China, Femina Politica, 2, 129-133.
- Suda, K. (2007). Tomboys und andere Weiblichkeiten. Ein kurzer Überblick über Fremd- und Selbstbezeichnungen lesbischer Frauen in der VR China, Das Neue China, 4, 10-12.
Co-edited issue
- Leutner, M., Lu, P., & Suda, K. (Eds.)(2022). Antichinesischer und anti-asiatischer Rassismus. Historische und gegenwärtige Diskurse, Erscheinungsformen und Gegenpositionen. Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society, 54.
Research report
- Suda, K. & Köhler, J. (2024). Antiasiatischer Rassismus in Zeiten der Pandemie. Hintergründe, Kontexte und empirische Ergebnisse. Nationaler Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitor (NaDiRa), Deutsches Institut für Integration- und Migrationsforschung. https://www.dezim-institut.de/publikationen/publikation-detail/antiasiatischer-rassismus-in-zeiten-der-pandemie/
- Suda, K. (2023). Rassismus. Fragen und Antworten, Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.