Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

03.05. Launch of BERSAS - Berlin South Asia Studies at IAAW


***Please save the date***


Dear friends, students and colleagues,


we cordially invite you to join us on May 3 to celebrate the launch of BERSAS - our newly created academic forum for South Asian Studies in Berlin. Please join us at 2pm in room 315 (third floor) at IAAW for this happy occasion.


Starting in May this year, BERSAS will be organized as a joint forum of the Seminar for South Asian Studies, the Department of Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region (GAMS) and the ERC Synergy Grant project DHARMA at the Institute of Asian and African Studies. BERSAS merges the well-established formats of the Humboldt India Project (HIP), which have been held very successfully for more than ten years, as well as the GAMS research colloquia which have been organized every semester since 2021.



We see BERSAS as a platform that can be shaped by all interested researchers and institutions in Berlin (and beyond) and we look forward to close cooperation and exchange with you!


Together with you, we would like to create more visibility and public interest for the dynamic field of interdisciplinary research on South Asia and its diasporas.


Another new feature will be a thematic focus for each semester. In the summer term 2024, we will start by focusing on South Asian Urban Studies. Four exciting BERSAS events await you, starting with our BERSAS Launch on May 3rd.


We are very much looking forward to celebrating this occasion together with you and invite you on the 3rd of May to six short presentations by young and experienced researchers with a focus on South Asian Urban Studies. This will be followed by a reception with snacks and drinks that will offer us the opportunity to learn more about our common research interests.


Please find further program information on all BERSAS events in the summer semester 2024 in our booklet which will give you an overview of our South Asian Urban Studies activities at IAAW.


Link to the flip version of our booklet.


Link to the PDF version of our booklet.


With great anticipation and best regards,



Michael Mann on behalf of all members of the South Asia Seminar


Annette Schmiedchen on behalf of all members of the DHARMA project


Nadja-Christina Schneider on behalf of all members of the GAMS team