Social and human capital development through international migration in Punjab, Pakistan
Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another (usually across the political boundary) for the purpose of taking up permanent or semi permanent residence. In Pakistan, migration has always been an important phenomenon. People migrate with the hope of better income and capacity building at destination. They also perceive this development of human capital will cause the improvement of social structure at the origin. Mostly people move with a combination of forced and voluntary reasons combining to push them away from current situation and to pull them towards new situation.
Several influential studies have suggested that international migration has significant implications for social and human capital and it deeply and positively affects the overall development process. Thus, this study aims to fill the gap in the body of knowledge by assessing the impact of migration on the said factors. In view of this situation a number of questions arise: How predictors such as education, income, family size and rural versus urban location factors are related to migration? How does migration influence this process of societal development? It is the objective of this study to provide scientifically valid answers to these important questions in order to better understand trend of transformation in the South Asian region with special focus on Pakistan.
Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi studied Sociology at the Government college university Faisalabad, Pakistan, from 2008 to 2010, where he earned his Master’s degree with a thesis titled ”Drug addiction and its impact on the social life of addicts” and it was a qualitative study. In 2013 he completed his M.Phil. in Sociology at GC university Faisalabad, Pakistan and his thesis dealt with the rehabilitation process of disable children. Since September, 2015 he has a permanent position, as lecturer, at faculty of social sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Presently he is on study leave for his PhD studies in Germany. He began work on his doctoral degree at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michael Mann.