Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

IQAS – International Quarterly for Asian Studies


IQAS (International Quarterly for Asian Studies) has been Germany's leading academic journal on Asia since 1970. It provides a forum for multidisciplinary research on current and historical topics relevant to politics, economics and society in contemporary Asia. It seeks to make the results of social science research on Asia known to a broader public discourse about Asia. The contributions are intended for a public that is aware that the regions and cultures of the world have always been interlinked and, thus, need to be understood in relation to one another. The journal appears quarterly or semi-anually as a double issue both in a print and an open access version. IQAS continues “Internationales Asienforum”.


Editorial Board: Claudia Derichs (Main Editor), Jörn Dosch, Conrad Schetter, Uwe Skoda 
Editorial Managers: Ann-Elisabeth Philipp, Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pinéu



Latest Issues of International Quarterly for Asian Studies:
Vol 51 No 3-4 (2020): New Area Studies and Southeast Asia                                           
Vol 51 No 1-2 (2020): Urban Poetics and Politics in Asia, Part II
Vol 50 No 3-4 (2019): Urban Poetics and Politics in Asia, Part I