Laufende Promotionen
Baliña, Joaquín : "Social policy in times of global crisis. An analysisof cash transfers measures deployed in MERCOSUR and EU countries duringthe COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022)"
Braun Carrasco, Fabio: "The Global Far Right, Inequality and the Contradictions of Liberal Democracy"
Eren, Devrim: "Intersectional inequalities in India's informal economy"
Hager, Sarah: "Epistemology and Aesthetics from the global South"
Khun, Ratanak: "Patterns of Anti-Vietnamese Radicalism among Cambodian Elites in the Fields of Power, from 1993 – Present"
Neumann, Johanna: "Zatpwe and Society in Myanmar"
Paolinelli, Edoardo: "Sociological Aspects of Financial Institutions. Functional Elites in Germany, Italy and Argentina"
Voigt, Katrin: "Nationalismus der Mitte in Deutschland: Eine Analyse von Praktiken der alltäglichen (Re-)Produktion von Nation und sozialer Ungleichheit" (Abgegeben)