Kai Schlender
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- Name
- Kai Schlender
- kai.schlender (at) hu-berlin.de
Kai Schlender has studied Law, China Studies and Economics at Humboldt and Free University of Berlin, as well as Tongji and Fudan University in Shanghai. He received degrees in Law (State Examination) and China Studies (Bachelor and Master of Arts) and is currently working on his doctoral thesis. Since 2011 he is lecturing at the Seminar of Sinology, offering courses in the fields of Chinese contemporary law and politics. Besides his academic career, he has been working for a global law firm since 2010 in their Berlin, Frankfurt and Shanghai offices, specializing on China-related M&A transactions and corporate matters.
Office hours: on appointment
Courses taught at Humboldt University include:
- Population, Territory and Government of the People's Republic of China
- Chinese Constitutional Law - Between Particracy and Basic Rights
- Human Rights, Basic Rights and Civil Rights in China
- China's Transformation into Political Modernity - China 3.0
- The Legal Framework of State and Society in China
- Chinese Classics re-read from a Legal Perspective
Courses taught at other Universities include:
- Foreign Investment in China
- Chinese Investments in Germany
- The Communist Party and the Law
Recent publications:
- "Der Entwurf für ein „Gesetz der Volksrepublik China für ausländische Investitionen“" (co-ed. with Christian Atzler, Rebecka Zinser), in: Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht/German Journal for Chinese Law (ZChinR/GJCL), 2015, Vol. 3, pp. 252-258.
- “Konfuzius für die Gegenwart”, in: 21 China Magazine, published June 3, 2015.
"The People’s Constituent Power in the Republic of the Third Form: On the Legitimacy of the 1949 Common Program as the founding constitution of the PRC (第三种形式的共和国人民制宪权——
论1949年共同纲领作为新中国建国宪法的正当性) (written by Prof. Chen Duanhong, translated by Kai Schlender), in: Gao, Quanxi and Goldoni, Marco (co-ed.), Political Constitution of China: Context and Experience, 2015. - "The Rise and Evolution of the Chinese Political Constitutionalism (政治宪法学的兴起与嬗变) (written by Prof. Gao Quanxi, translated by Kai Schlender), in: Gao, Quanxi and Goldoni, Marco (co-ed.), Political Constitution of China: Context and Experience, 2015.
- "The Formation and Structure of the 1982 Constitution of China (八二宪法的生成与结构) (written by Prof. Zhai Zhiyong, translated by Kai Schlender), in: Gao, Quanxi and Goldoni, Marco (co-ed.), Political Constitution of China: Context and Experience, 2015.
- "Private M&A: Auktionsverfahren, Due Diligence, Vertragsgestaltung" (co-ed. with Christian Atzler), in: Bu, Yuanshi (ed.), Chinesische Outbound-Investitionen in Deutschland - Rechtlicher Rahmen, Fälle und Analysen, 2014, pp. 89-108.
- In Chinese Language: "非上市公司并购: 竞购程序、尽职调查、合同构造” (与Christian Atzler合著), 载卜元石(主编): 《中国企业到德国投资法律指南》, 上海人民出版社2015年版.
- "Fallstudie: Übernahme von Putzmeister durch Sany" (co-ed. with Thomas Gilles), in: Bu, Yuanshi (ed.), Chinesische Outbound-Investitionen in Deutschland - Rechtlicher Rahmen, Fälle und Analysen, 2014, pp. 327-338.
- In Chinese Language: "案例研究:三一重工收购普茨迈斯特” (与Thomas Gilles合著), 载卜元石(主编): 《中国企业到德国投资法律指南》, 上海人民出版社2015年版.
- "Case study: Weichai acquisition of Kion" (co-ed. with Christian Atzler and Jeffrey Y. Chen), in: Bu, Yuanshi (ed.), Chinesische Outbound-Investitionen in Deutschland - Rechtlicher Rahmen, Fälle und Analysen, 2014, pp. 339-348.
- In Chinese Language: "案例研究:潍柴动力收购凯傲” (与Christian Atzler合著), 载卜元石(主编): 《中国企业到德国投资法律指南》, 上海人民出版社2015年版.